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Our visit to beautiful Alaska, June 2011

From Wikipedia: 'Mount McKinley' or 'Denali' (Koyukon Athabaskan for "The High One") in Alaska is the highest mountain peak in North America and the United States, with a summit elevation of 20,320 feet (6,194 m) above sea level.
It is the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve.
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Telegraph Pole Insulators
Telegraph Pole Insulators
On our way to Fairbanks
On our way to Fairbanks
University of Alaska Museum of the North
University of Alaska Museum of the North
The Alaska Pipeline
The Alaska Pipeline
Steam Boat on the Chena River
Steam Boat on the Chena River
Tanana Chief at Pike's Landing
Tanana Chief at Pike's Landing
Our favourite stop near Denali NP
Our favourite stop near Denali NP
Rafters in Nenana River
Rafters in Nenana River
ARR between Healy and Denali NP
ARR between Healy and Denali NP
Denali Star close to Denali NP
Denali Star close to Denali NP
From Denali to Talkeetna
From Denali to Talkeetna
View from the train
View from the train
Beautiful ARR vista car
Beautiful ARR vista car
Alaskan Scenery
Alaskan Scenery
On the Alaska Rail Road
On the Alaska Rail Road
Early Summer in Alaska
Early Summer in Alaska
ARR Anchorage - Fairbanks train crossing
ARR Anchorage - Fairbanks train crossing
Some discussions between trains
Some discussions between trains
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