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2-FEB-2005 David Mingay

Feb 2: New!

DM now available in tins! Possibly available in your local supermarket... and possibly not!

remember folks, insist on a genuine DM product.

click here for all your genuine DM merchandise!

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Robin Reid10-Jul-2009 17:54
Yes, I recall this great work. Sooooo funny!!!!!
Guest 03-Feb-2005 01:28
I like it in bottles. I can see what parts I'm getting.
Ian Clowes02-Feb-2005 23:04
Now you're rich and famous - we're always looking for a main band sponsor.
'The City of Chester (genuine DM) Band'
You never know when you might need a fanfare or two....
Michael Todd Thorpe02-Feb-2005 23:01
I like the new "in hot chili sauce" flavor, myself...
northstar3702-Feb-2005 22:48
you could be the next Paul Newman.
Guest 02-Feb-2005 22:40
Very fun
Guest 02-Feb-2005 22:19
HEY! Step off John Digweed, man!
Lara S02-Feb-2005 22:17
I bet you john digiwg or whatever his name is would never have come up with such a beautiful marketing plan.. :)
jude02-Feb-2005 22:16
I hope there's a product label on this..
I worry about gas... LOL
Guest 02-Feb-2005 22:14

lol since it's Chili, does he pop out of the can smoking??
Guest 02-Feb-2005 22:13
ROTFL!! Does he pop out like those big cotton snakes that are for practical jokes? Or when you open the can, does he sing a little song?

Inquiring minds want to know!!
Robin Reid02-Feb-2005 22:08
Do you need a USA West coast distributor? If yes, ship product to my address.
Ray :)02-Feb-2005 22:07
...and Sainsbury's closed 6 minutes ago. Drat!
Ray :)02-Feb-2005 22:06
Not only in a can, but covered in chilli sauce. Poor DM!
Guest 02-Feb-2005 22:05
OMG. REALLY I'm laughing here!! DM in a can!! WHATEVER NEXT????