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David Mingay | all galleries >> ...Everything Else >> People Pictures > Linda and the dogs
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18-SEP-2004 David Mingay

Linda and the dogs


This is the first shot with the 'new' Rolleicord. Linda, Rosie and Archie sheltering in one of the disused engine houses at South Caradon Mine. It's a recreation of a picture I shot with the 300D a few weeks earlier, which can be seen here. I'd like to show you more, but the new scanner I bought specifically to scan 120 format film from the 'cord has already gone wrong... grrr....

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 07-Oct-2004 03:20
Love it.
Guest 06-Oct-2004 23:21
But's....SQUARE~~~~~ LOL!

Very cool! Any plans to do any printing at home? Do you have that stuff? I thought you did!?