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Vickie Tseng | all galleries >> Drawing >> Drawing of Beautiful Life >> Drawing > NINJA(ren zhe) Patience
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1999 Vickie TSENG

NINJA(ren zhe) Patience

T'ai-pei T'ai-wan

I wish to be a Ninja of my after lifeI believe very few persons are beyond compare!
I use to think of 姜戎's wolfling and Boogier's action, most of humans cannot reach the real meaning unless use one's heart, human nature would NOT do with genuine affection, due to selfood.


Vicki's drawing

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bill friedlander13-Oct-2011 01:21
Wonderful little character, he look very young but mature beyond his years. Love the blue tones. V
Raymond12-Oct-2011 14:39
Patience! Hum ....
I have the 2 rules to succed written in Chinese charcaters.
The first rule is: Learn patience
The second rule is: Learn rule number one

Pretty smart Chinese soul who said that!