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October 31, 2019 Cindy

Hallowing October 31, 2019

World Gym Guangfu Taipei City

Cindy photographed herself with me😃
🤗萬聖節(昨天)健身房店經理、教練、業務、客服使出渾身解數裝扮各款角色,Cindy(扮Peter Pan)一見到我揪著要我一起拍照,我說不愛拍照呢、還想躲在Cindy身後!說時遲那時快📱喀擦😃
☘️ Cindy蘇小恩很務實是最可愛、親切、極禮貌的專業人員,在World Gym健身俱樂部 Taiwan初見面時就能敏銳感受到,當時我還不知道Cindy大名,與好友有共識地共同一提到就知道我們說的是同一位,原先PO此文是尚未互相加入,此刻已補上文中。
☘️早有預知,只要出國(非出差工作)絕對增重3.5~4 Kgs!
悠遊頹廢放鬆回台後,這回增3.5 Kgs、脂肪多一圈🤫,天菜廚娘的功勞傑作🤭
Happy Halloween 🎃 31st Oct., 2019

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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PiJoly13-Aug-2021 23:24
Yes, yes, HALLOWING... you are both disguised as pretty women ;-)
Fong Lam10-Mar-2020 10:18
Beautiful portrait of you and Cindy...nice smiles and welcome back, Vickie -:) V
Kevin Warren08-Mar-2020 14:08
A nice selfie of you and Cindy, Vickie!