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Vera Féria | all galleries >> France >> Provence de tous les sens >
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11-JUN-2009 Vera Feria


Canon EOS 40D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/15s f/22.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak09-Jul-2009 05:47
Lovely composition ;~}}}
Fabienne01-Jul-2009 10:46
excellent cadrage ou la perspective est bien mise en valeur.
Yiannis Pavlis29-Jun-2009 03:20
Excellent in all regards!I like the creative point of view.V
Tom Briggs28-Jun-2009 12:33
Lovely ... makes me want to be there ... v
Gerard Koehl27-Jun-2009 09:18
Excellente composition... V
cits_4_pets26-Jun-2009 16:14
Wonderful perspective with good dof, very inviting. Like how the eye gets drawn down the canal. excellent. v
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak26-Jun-2009 12:23
Superb artistic composition - BRAVO! ~V~
shatterbug24-Jun-2009 07:58
Lovely composition and colors, and terrific light too!
Guenter Eh23-Jun-2009 17:59
A winner shot Vera...I know you are proud of it and I`m too! ;)
endre novak22-Jun-2009 21:45
Eliane B. Urner 22-Jun-2009 15:24
Amiga, está tudo perfeito: as flores são lindas, assim como as alamedas que margeiam o canal. Um belo lugar pra olhar e dar asas à imaginação !!! Amei a foto !
an nguyen22-Jun-2009 14:36
Perfect spot....
Eric Carrère21-Jun-2009 10:03
C'est beau la France :o)
Aud Elise Sjøsæther21-Jun-2009 08:00
Love that point of view! V
Cindi Smith21-Jun-2009 05:09
Gorgeous view! I love the perspective and the colors are magnificent!'V
Fong Lam21-Jun-2009 04:56
Nice perspective, the foreground flowers are so pretty ~V~
Pawel20-Jun-2009 22:13
Exellent compo :)
patou20-Jun-2009 21:02
Superbe avec ces fleurs en premier plan ( v )
marie-jose wolff20-Jun-2009 18:32
gorgeous with these beautiful flowers! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi20-Jun-2009 17:55
spectacular perspective andsplendid composition with these lovely flowers
globalgadabout20-Jun-2009 17:41
hats off to you Vera...a great compo and a glorious and vibrant scene...V
12320-Jun-2009 17:13
Gorgeous. V
zyziza20-Jun-2009 17:10
wonderful shot Vera! V
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