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Acclaim! Barbershop Quartet

Acclaim! Barbershop Quartet is registered with the Barbershop Harmony Society and is available for entertainment in the Hampton Roads area. Here, they performed at Williamsburg Landing on June 18, 2004. Call (757) LUV-SONG. Higher resolution pictures are available for printing purposes.
Acclaim! at CNU
:: Acclaim! at CNU ::
Acclaim! Barbershop Quartet Live Photos on 11-3-12
:: Acclaim! Barbershop Quartet Live Photos on 11-3-12 ::
3420 Acclaim! Sings National Anthem for Tidewater Tides at Harbor Park in Norfolk, VA
3420 Acclaim! Sings National Anthem for Tidewater Tides at Harbor Park in Norfolk, VA
Acclaim 408
Acclaim 408
Acclaim 404
Acclaim 404
Acclaim 409
Acclaim 409
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Acclaim 410
Acclaim 412
Acclaim 412
Acclaim 413
Acclaim 413
White Christmas Acclaim 014Crp.jpg
White Christmas Acclaim 014Crp.jpg
Acclaim! Sings In Tuxedos
:: Acclaim! Sings In Tuxedos ::