What is going to Happen to These Kids? We visited three Indian Villages while we were traveling in Peru. There were many children in each village. The children were the focus of village life and they were very curious about us. I liked the way
they invited engagement even if we did not share a common language. Here are some photos of these guys who go to school in one room schools and have barely any resources at their disposal. What is going to happen to these kids?
Male Yagua Carving Out a Canoe
Milton (our boatman in blue) walked into the village
Two Teenage Girls in the Yagua Village
Yagua Family
Very Young Yagua Girl
Bracelets, Bowls etc, from Yagua Village
Ranger's Son
Our Explorama Guide Ricardo and the School Kids
Five Adults and Six Kids
Village Little One
Victor's Village, Children are curious of our arrival