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© Nigel Pond


Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, Wiltshire, U.K. view map

Canon T90 ,Vivitar Series 1 28-105mm, f 2.8-3.8
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Mary Bowles25-Apr-2008 11:24
This is stunning. Strangely, only this morning my husband informed me that Salisbury Cathedral had a diver on the payroll. It sounds mad to me, but who, belay that,just googled it and it was Winchester Cathedral.
ukexpat30-Jul-2004 20:47
Thanks Mattana -- I have a lot more from other trips that I will get round to posting some day, though you have set the bar very high!!
Mattana30-Jul-2004 20:38
Beautiful shot of one of my favorite cathedral.
Guest 06-Jun-2004 00:52
I totally agree w/ Mattias's comment ! this shot is really unusual n let me feel vibrant ! Thanks for sharing ! ^^
ukexpat09-Mar-2004 20:57
Thanks Mattias. I can usually only do 3 or 4 of these per session, then I get neck ache!
Mattias Backström28-Feb-2004 22:48
Wow, this perspective was quite unusual. Thanks for the inspiration, I'll visit the nearest church in the area tomorrow and try this out. And hey, maybe I can use this trick in my Lego creations in the future. It gave me an idea actually...