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I got my first professional commission from the the Mail on Sunday, (the Mail is the UK's second biggest selling newspaper) to accompany Fergal Keane, BBC reporter on a 5 day trip to the Turkana region of North East Kenya. Fergal had with him a TV cameraman and a half hour documentary will be shown on BBC soon. The point of the documentary was to report on a marginalised community such as the Turkana, a tribe inhabiting the region around the 2nd largest desert lake by the same name, as they live normally, not just when there is a crisis. Though in fact, Turkana suffers from a more drawn-out crisis, that of drought on the one hand, compounded by corrupt central governments that have all but abandoned the Turkana to fend for themselves. It's a cruel axiom that for the poorest in this world, the more basic their needs the less they can depend on help from those whose responsibility it is to provide it. The long rains have failed 2 years in a row, the Lake is shrinking year by year and there is strong anectotal evidence to suggest climate change is a contributing factor. The Turkana people are warm, self-reliant, good-humoured, humble and tough. Turkana is a hot, dry place: there is little wildlife and roads consist of precipitous dirt tracks that traverse endless dry riverbeds. My trip was the experience of a lifetime and the physical privations of being on the road in such a harsh environment only added to the sense of adventure. Thank you to the Turkana, and the Oxfam crew for extending me every courtesy during my stay. Click on the thumbnails to bring you into the full-size picture.
traveller magazine g6/05/424005/3/70078753.RUSzKhPJ.jpg turkana reprised: camel slaughter g6/05/424005/3/69764196.zvqTZfcl.jpg plead
hitch-shot pull - fishermen on lake turkana good wife donkey turkana reprised: 'womens' work'
no longer fit for purpose first white wedding warriors the one yusef
moving on keep up turkana women shepherd boy too good to be true
chemist turkana fishermen catch of the day three quarters wedding warriors low and wide
honourary elder kevina's house kevina kevina and fergal james surveying the land
camel coral backlit girl mama kafia shopkeeper turkana women washing baby
fisherboy on the rudder spew boys shy fisherboy g6/05/424005/3/69764238.OjT5yj0f.jpg
turkana woman posing by boat drapier shy girl dominic in silhouette throne
abandoned fish factory james and lowetan - newspaper choice fade to black - end of series The Mail - Dominic and Kevina The Mail - James and Loetan