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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> STREET PHOTOGRAPHY > sport
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Guest 28-Oct-2008 00:58
Danger! :)
Harrison27-Oct-2008 17:06
Great shot...did he get out of the way in time? ;)
Greg Vescuso25-Oct-2008 22:06
Great shot...
Cindi Smith25-Oct-2008 17:14
Awesome! I love this take on today's topic! Well done, Matylda!
Mairéad25-Oct-2008 11:47
A very nice shot.
Ann...25-Oct-2008 11:01
Shooting the shooter!! Well done!
j>a>e>17 :):):)25-Oct-2008 06:55
i bey YOU dance on this dream~~~dare~~~dive bridge often, j>a>e>17 :):):)
wernere0125-Oct-2008 02:03
Ah, shooting is sport...feel athletic now! Excellent composition. By including him in front, you sure did the better shot.
marita toftgard25-Oct-2008 01:04
great perspective