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Birds of Tanzania

Here are a few photos from a single day birding the area around Dar Es Salaam. Many thanks to my guide Andrew whose knowledge was essential and whose enthusiasm for his subjeect was infectious
African Golden Weaver
African Golden Weaver
African Lizard Buzzard
African Lizard Buzzard
Black Headed heron
Black Headed heron
Black Headed heron
Black Headed heron
Black Headed heron
Black Headed heron
Black Winged Stilt
Black Winged Stilt
Brown hooded Kingfisher
Brown hooded Kingfisher
Cardinal Woodpecker
Cardinal Woodpecker
Collared Sunbuird
Collared Sunbuird
Collared Sunbuird
Collared Sunbuird
d'Arnauds Barbet
d'Arnauds Barbet
d'Arnauds Barbet
d'Arnauds Barbet
Emerald Spotted Wood Dove
Emerald Spotted Wood Dove
Grassland pipit
Grassland pipit
Gray Headed Kingfisher
Gray Headed Kingfisher
Gray Headed Kingfisher
Gray Headed Kingfisher
Green Winged Pytilia
Green Winged Pytilia
Lilac Breasted Roller
Lilac Breasted Roller
Little Bee-eater
Little Bee-eater
Little Bee-eater
Little Bee-eater
Marsh Sandpiper
Marsh Sandpiper
Malachite kingfisher
Malachite kingfisher
Peters Twinspot
Peters Twinspot
Sacred Ibis
Sacred Ibis
Sacrlet Chested Sunbird
Sacrlet Chested Sunbird
Sacrlet Chested Sunbird
Sacrlet Chested Sunbird
Speckled Mousebird
Speckled Mousebird
Striped Kingfisher
Striped Kingfisher
Striped Kingfisher
Striped Kingfisher
Striped Kingfisher
Striped Kingfisher
Tropical Boubou
Tropical Boubou
Water Thick Knee
Water Thick Knee
White faced Whistling Duck
White faced Whistling Duck
Yellow Billed Stork
Yellow Billed Stork
Yellow Billed Stork
Yellow Billed Stork