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Tim van Woensel | all galleries >> Travel >> South Island, New Zealand > The Pancake Rocks, Punakaiki
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25-SEP-2007 T. van Woensel

The Pancake Rocks, Punakaiki

South Island, New Zealand

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Guest 21-Apr-2011 11:04
absolutely picturesque
Yiannis Pavlis04-Jan-2011 14:10
Truly a wonderful photograph.Very beautiful composition.
Michael Edwards15-Dec-2010 12:07
Fantastic view, superbly captured, Tim...
Pieter Bos13-Dec-2010 15:03
Wonderful picture! -V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)18-Sep-2010 19:13
An excellent capture,Vote
René Gysi14-May-2010 07:45
Great view. Wonderful! V
kennygan24-Aug-2009 18:09
Amazing gallery
Guest 01-Aug-2009 19:57
Très belle image... V !
Antoine Vu26-May-2009 06:20
It's a great shot! Antoine Vu
Michael Tauber13-Mar-2009 19:59
Guest 11-Mar-2009 09:23
Awesome image. AND I live in this land. Better see it.
marko gregoric16-Feb-2009 18:04
Very nice place and good shot. V.
Guest 22-Nov-2008 09:33
With 30s it becomes very special. Excellent work...! (v)
olivier bruning13-Aug-2008 10:22
prachtig schouwspel!
Milan Vogrin03-Aug-2008 19:28
Great scene!
sayhi02-May-2008 14:15
come & join

nice view!excellent shots taken in nz
Guest 28-Mar-2008 00:03
Excellent shot and comp V
Peter Sussex21-Mar-2008 20:40
Masterpiece !
Yiannis Pavlis29-Feb-2008 15:22
This is stunning and beautifully presented.
Guest 09-Feb-2008 23:52
wow I love that its as if the formation is just floating on the fog over the water
Sandi Whitteker05-Feb-2008 17:33
Stunning formation and a beautiful capture.
monil26-Dec-2007 19:15
A very good composition and light.
laine8220-Dec-2007 18:15
That's a wonderful shot, Tim. The scenery is delightful.
Aaron Zeitler20-Dec-2007 01:40
Nice exposure, Makes me wish I had more access to the ocean to try this.
I personally would have cropped out the railing in the bottom left corner though.
Guest 25-Nov-2007 23:21
Wow, that looks mythical!
Guest 23-Nov-2007 10:53
What a beautiful scene. Excellent capture.
Richard Calmes22-Nov-2007 12:22
This is a beautiful image! V
Jay Levin21-Nov-2007 16:51
Spectacular landscape. The color is extraordinary. Vote
Guest 21-Nov-2007 10:40
just like dream................very beautiful
Renee Lockett19-Nov-2007 20:37
From another world. Outstanding shot, Tim!
Petros Labrakos19-Nov-2007 16:27
wonderful seascape!
Guest 18-Nov-2007 01:04
That is a stunner! I've always wanted to go there....sigh
Guest 16-Nov-2007 19:08
Wonderful shot, very nicely executed.
J. Scott Coile16-Nov-2007 18:03
What a heavenly scene.
JOSE MATA16-Nov-2007 08:43
GeneWard16-Nov-2007 04:21
dramatic, outstanding shot. voted.
Willa Dios14-Nov-2007 19:51
Stunning, magical shot, Time. I love the foliage growing on top of the cliffs and the detail above the misty base of the cliffs. ;)
Tom Briggs14-Nov-2007 16:10
Stunning shot, Tim ... really well done ... voted
carolynne_w13-Nov-2007 03:41
Simply lovely - I really like the way that you framed the second rock formation within the first. V
Luc VN12-Nov-2007 22:35
Great landscape picture. Really nice colors and light.
Guest 12-Nov-2007 22:23
Amazing landform, excellent shot! v
Dominique Schreckling12-Nov-2007 21:17
This could be a postcard.
Barry S Moore12-Nov-2007 20:13
Postcard material. Excellent, framed perfectly.
Jola Dziubinska12-Nov-2007 19:44
Agree, this is fabulous! Great blue tonality, excellent composition. Vote.
wernere0112-Nov-2007 18:39
A lot of good shots in this gallery, but this is definitely my favourite! Breathtaking nature, and the deep blue tone is fantastic. Big vote!