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Tim van Woensel | all galleries >> Travel >> Nepal > Sherpas in the Nepalese Himalayas
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29-NOV-2008 T. van Woensel

Sherpas in the Nepalese Himalayas


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GeneWard13-Feb-2010 16:35
a superb composition. V.
Serena Bowles29-Dec-2009 11:23
Fantastic composition V
khaled_im05-Sep-2009 10:08
spiritual & inspirational, to borrow Johan's & Buba's words...a favourite
Paul Chan04-Sep-2009 10:09
Eyes catching shot...V.
Buba Jafarli06-Jun-2009 16:10
Stunning, inspirational! Bravo, Tim! V.
Joel Escala23-May-2009 15:39
Excellent composition. Nice touch on the windblown flags too. V!
endre novak14-May-2009 17:24
Guest 14-Apr-2009 11:14
excellent composition V
rocky25-Mar-2009 19:22
Nice work! =V=
Zeev Parush05-Mar-2009 20:31
Beautiful shot - great composition and colors
Monique Trempe05-Mar-2009 18:25
Great composition. V
Lee G13-Feb-2009 03:29
Great shot! The composition and colors in this scene are fantastic. ~V~
Vikas Malhotra01-Feb-2009 18:48
Fabulous, my favourite. V
Guest 26-Jan-2009 20:42
Wow, wonderful shot and perspective.
Johan Gerrits25-Jan-2009 19:29
Great scenery framed in spiritual art!!!
Rob Oele24-Jan-2009 22:48
Prachtig sfeerbeeld.
Guest 24-Jan-2009 09:29
What an amazing scene!
Raymond Ma23-Jan-2009 00:35
Great image. The prayer flags always speaks to the eternal hope of the
human spirit. V
Guest 22-Jan-2009 17:43
Another excellent shot! Thanks for sending me the link on your Nepal 2 gallery!
Guest 22-Jan-2009 14:01
great shot! ~V~
Guest 22-Jan-2009 08:19
I like this one...big V
Bogdan Szadowski21-Jan-2009 20:41
Superb! Great composition. V