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TuTmin | all galleries >> IRAN >> Mausoleums >> Attar >
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Marijka20-Nov-2008 20:14
beautiful... love the background green....
Cindi Smith18-Nov-2008 05:52
Beautiful little ornate!
Ali Majdfar17-Nov-2008 18:52
Superb capture, excellent. GMV
Patricia Kay17-Nov-2008 12:22
Beautiful shot...the details and colors are lovely! V
Carol Rollins16-Nov-2008 22:39
Excellent composition Mina. Beautiful. V
Fong Lam16-Nov-2008 19:33
Beautiful capture of this mausoleum, Mina!! V
Paco López16-Nov-2008 15:35
Wonderful! V!
pr_rajan16-Nov-2008 10:38
....its beautiful, like a tiny taj_mahal!
CM Kwan16-Nov-2008 09:35
Wonderful capture, Mina! V
Mohamed Mahmoud16-Nov-2008 09:20
Excellent composition
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