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TuTmin | all galleries >> IRAN >> Mausoleums > Arash the Bowman (Arash e Kamangir)
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Arash the Bowman (Arash e Kamangir)

In a war between the Iranians and the Un-Iranians(in the past),Arash is asked to be the archer.He fires the specially-prepared arrow at dawn, which then traveled a great distance and made the future border between the Iranians and the Un-Iranians.

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Guest 22-Nov-2008 11:09
A beautiful shot with the sun reflecting on the side and on the back! Nicely framed. Zarrin.
©Lux29-Oct-2008 18:52
Elegant statue...nice shot indeed!
Ali Majdfar29-Oct-2008 18:28
Glorious capture, excellent. GMV
Cindi Smith29-Oct-2008 17:44
Excellent capture of this glorious statue! Beautiful work!
Paco López29-Oct-2008 17:38
Excellent! V!
pr_rajan29-Oct-2008 16:43
...the power! its great!
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