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TuTmin | all galleries >> IRAN >> Mausoleums >> Gonbad-e Kavus( The tomb of Kavus) > interior dome
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interior dome

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Barbara Heide27-Oct-2008 12:04
great effect! v
XiaoBernard9924-Oct-2008 12:20
The spiral in a tomb.TheYellow of the pigment of the sand is pleasant as tone.What is there in the deep of the tomb?
Interesting and nice.v
Char24-Oct-2008 02:14
Hi Mina,
This is an amazing shot! Very interesting. \/
Ali Majdfar23-Oct-2008 19:18
Outstanding capture, great. ~V
Bartosz Kotulski23-Oct-2008 17:30
very nice abstract. well captured
Mohamed Mahmoud23-Oct-2008 17:05
This is a great Shot, really a master piece in optical illusion, at first glance i thought it is a cone that you are seeing from top,
Cindi Smith23-Oct-2008 13:54
You must be looking up but it almost looks like you can walk down that corridor. Very cool perspective!
Carol Rollins23-Oct-2008 13:02
Excellent shot TuTmin. V
Milos Markovic23-Oct-2008 09:40
Unusual frame and motive, beautifully captured.
And I like the mild textures...
pr_rajan23-Oct-2008 05:05
...great visual from the past!
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