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this is my latest Volvo acquisition. I have admired in from afar for about two years. It has the following modifications.
VPD ll motor with Mikuni HSR 42 carbs. K&N filters
Electronic ignition conversion
M-41 trans 4:10 rear axle.
Sport steering wheel
Electric cooling fan
IPD sway bars 25mm front and 19mm rear
Skandix sport lowering springs
Trimning 4-2-1 header-Skandix sport exhaust
164 calipers all around-steel lines in front
replaced heater core and fan
Hella driving lights
Voxx rims
dash top tach, oil pressure, battery voltage, and engine temperature-replacement dash ready to install.
Coming-240 91 plus front and rear wind screen

Sony DSC-W560
1/30s f/4.5 at 13.1mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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