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Thierry Lucas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery of the week > A fly drinking in a water drop
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A fly drinking in a water drop

On the original image one can see the reflections in the small drop which it took in its mouth.

This picture is part of my "Macro" gallery :

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Quy Tran10-Mar-2009 15:04
What a shot! V
Chad Ramsey17-Jul-2007 02:53
What an amazing shot!!! Vote!
anuschka03-Jul-2007 22:07
Just stopping by this one for another admiring look!
Terry Thormin28-Jun-2007 14:42
Beautiful photo. Great use of space. Vote
Simon Chandler19-Jun-2007 05:21
Wonderful. Beautiful composition, color and background blur. v
anuschka02-Jun-2007 12:55
Ken Zaret21-May-2007 01:41
super job and nice that you pointed out the drop in its mouth. might be interesting to post a cropped version too where you can see the reflections
Bryan Ramsay15-May-2007 00:49
Awesome detail, what macro lens are you using? -BJ V.
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography13-May-2007 19:22
Il n'y a pas des mots pour dire comment je suis jalouse !!superb,vote
Sandrine Fresneau d'Aboville12-Mar-2007 18:53
Simplement superbe. Et puis le rose est assez inattendu pour une mouche. Non ?
Gilles Dehérand27-Feb-2007 21:26
Superbe combinaison!
anuschka27-Feb-2007 20:48
Awesome! V.
fred_il29-Jan-2007 09:11
Elle est extraordinaire!
Pour les details, le timing et les couleurs, un grand VOte!!
Guest 29-Jan-2007 05:52
Squared C26-Jan-2007 17:32
So wonderful! V!
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik26-Jan-2007 01:57
Outstanding!! GMV S&L
Emmanuel Panagiotakis23-Jan-2007 03:45
Wow...incredible colors nice DOF
Guest 21-Jan-2007 19:51
Tout a fait impressionnant! Le bon endroit au bon moment. Bravo. Vote.
Maxim Popykin21-Jan-2007 16:10
Fantastic moment & shot
Guest 21-Jan-2007 11:53
Great subject and composition! (v)
Guest 21-Jan-2007 11:46
Congratulations! this is a lovely capture. ~V~
flowsnow21-Jan-2007 09:26
Another excellent shot! Wowow...Vx100 !!
shatterbug21-Jan-2007 05:07
Awesome macro! Excellent focus and dreamy bokeh. V.
Char21-Jan-2007 01:02
An outstanding shot Thierry! V
Katie Chew20-Jan-2007 20:09
Amazing! V
Guest 20-Jan-2007 16:14
Amazing, beautiful and stunning! Big V!
Steven Jusczyk20-Jan-2007 09:21
Great eye, lovely shot!
De'Carr Studio20-Jan-2007 05:10
Totally outstanding!! A superb image. vote
Guest 20-Jan-2007 03:31
Wow. Amazing. V
Michel CORBOZ20-Jan-2007 00:54
Sheila20-Jan-2007 00:36
Fabulous macro. Great colour and detail.
Jay Levin19-Jan-2007 23:36
Truly amazing shot. Vote
firstbrook19-Jan-2007 22:21
Very nice macro...beautiful back drop
Jean-Paul PLUME19-Jan-2007 20:17
Elle est superbe. Je vote pour celle-là.
akleja19-Jan-2007 19:46
Amazing shot! VOTE!!!
Nicki Thurgar19-Jan-2007 18:51
WOW! Incredible capture! ~V~
Guest 19-Jan-2007 18:09
Fascinating! v
Eric Carrère19-Jan-2007 18:06
Superbe macro Thierry, V.O.T.E.
Guest 19-Jan-2007 17:51
This is a truely superb image,Thierry! Huge Vote!
Liz Bickel19-Jan-2007 17:51
How neat.
Joanne Kamo19-Jan-2007 17:29
Outstanding image Thierry, love the dof. Love it! V
Guest 19-Jan-2007 17:26
wow, really wonderful, great work.
Greg Lavaty19-Jan-2007 17:16
Outstanding image. Vote
Guest 19-Jan-2007 17:03
What a shot! Great composition, colors and excellent timing...Voted!