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Thierry Lucas | all galleries >> Photo a day >> PAD 2006 > Childhood memory
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Childhood memory

This photo is the first of my new gallery : Digital Dreams

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ŠLux11-Dec-2008 07:56
Wonderful indeed ! V!
Pawel26-Oct-2008 14:54
Guest 28-Jun-2007 20:50
This is just great all the way round.V
Guest 11-May-2007 18:08
Wonderful comp and sepia tones. Let the dream flow... V
Craig Sadler21-Mar-2007 19:26
I love the mood of this photograph
Guest 29-Jan-2007 23:34
Perfectly composed and very elegant!
Guest 28-Jan-2007 19:37
wow, this one is perfect! big vote
Guest 18-Jan-2007 01:33
This is amazing. I am anxiously awaiting your next shot.
De'Carr Studio27-Dec-2006 04:14
Outstanding!!! Big Vote
jlm26-Dec-2006 19:32
trés réussi!
Jan Wisniowski23-Dec-2006 20:42
Excellent. Vote.
Guest 22-Dec-2006 17:55
Great timing yet timeless quality from sepia image.V
flowsnow22-Dec-2006 15:28
akleja22-Dec-2006 10:16
Wow! wonderful picture! Vote.
Guest 22-Dec-2006 05:03
Le traitement de cette image est superbe. Le fort contraste ne perd aucun details sur la mouette. Bravo. Vote.
Guest 22-Dec-2006 01:57
I love this one! Great mood. Vote.
Katie Chew22-Dec-2006 01:23
Great catch!
Sheila21-Dec-2006 23:46
Wonderful shot. It really suits the sepia treatment.
Guest 21-Dec-2006 22:55
GReat shot
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography21-Dec-2006 21:45
Good catch :)
olivier bruning21-Dec-2006 21:36
wonderful mysterious picture! great expression, ~V~
Eric Carrčre21-Dec-2006 21:26
Superbe Thierry, V.
Guest 21-Dec-2006 21:19
Wonderful sepia tones. Voted.