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Trude | profile | all galleries >> bolsa_chica_wetlands >> bolsa_chica_in_summer_2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Common Yellowthroat female greets visitors at footbridge
Common Yellowthroat female greets visitors at footbridge
Begging calls of Belding's Savannah Sparrow fledgling
Begging calls of Belding's Savannah Sparrow fledgling
Adult Belding's Savannah Sparrow quickly gathered prey
Adult Belding's Savannah Sparrow quickly gathered prey
And stuffed bugs into youngster's beak!
And stuffed bugs into youngster's beak!
Best find of day: Navanax, a colorful predatory sea slug
Best find of day: Navanax, a colorful predatory sea slug
Egg strings of sea hare
Egg strings of sea hare
Ribbed Mussel gills to feed and breathe underwater
Ribbed Mussel gills to feed and breathe underwater
Elegant Tern flock unnecessarily spooked by osprey and pelican
Elegant Tern flock unnecessarily spooked by osprey and pelican
Elegant Tern
Elegant Tern
Elegant Terns with pipefish
Elegant Terns with pipefish
Royal Terns with heavier beaks
Royal Terns with heavier beaks
California Least Tern in flight (endangered)
California Least Tern in flight (endangered)
Who is the papparazzi for?
Who is the papparazzi for?
Reddish Egret
Reddish Egret
Reddish Egret does the splits
Reddish Egret does the splits
Black-bellied Plover returns from far north tundra
Black-bellied Plover returns from far north tundra
Black-bellied Plover in flight shows black armpits
Black-bellied Plover in flight shows black "armpits"
Willet in flight shows black and white wing pattern
Willet in flight shows black and white wing pattern
Willet molts from alternate (breeding) to basic (winter gray)
Willet molts from alternate (breeding) to basic (winter gray)
Mulefat flowers
Mulefat flowers
Pickleweed already turns fall red colors
Pickleweed already turns fall red colors
Look closely for pickleweed flowers
Look closely for pickleweed flowers
Cordgrass flower spike
Cordgrass flower spike
Long-billed Curlew
Long-billed Curlew
Snowy Egrets dispute feeding territory
Snowy Egrets dispute feeding territory
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret shadow
Snowy Egret shadow