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Oregon 2013

A trip was made to the Salem area and then to the coast and back.
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Silver Creek, South Falls, Silver Falls State Park
Silver Creek, South Falls, Silver Falls State Park
Silver Creek, South Falls, Silver Falls State Park
Silver Creek, South Falls, Silver Falls State Park
Silver Creek, South Falls, Silver Falls State Park
Silver Creek, South Falls, Silver Falls State Park
Joggers, South Falls park, Silver Falls State Park
Joggers, South Falls park, Silver Falls State Park
North Falls, Silver Falls State Park
North Falls, Silver Falls State Park
Heron on the road to Lincoln City
Heron on the road to Lincoln City
to Lincoln City
to Lincoln City
Beverly Beach looking north
Beverly Beach looking north
Beverly Beach and Spencer Creek looking north
Beverly Beach and Spencer Creek looking north
Sandy-faced Markie leaping up on Driftwood
Sandy-faced Markie leaping up on Driftwood
Bathing Crows in Spencer Creek
Bathing Crows in Spencer Creek
Blue rocks Beverly Beach
Blue rocks Beverly Beach
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