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OCTOBER 2006 -We (Cristian, Andres, Gabriel & Myself) got stuck yet again in an adventure of off-roading exploration. Our challenge was to reach La Tigra, a remote village on the San Juan River just east of Boca Sarapiqui and west of Bara del Colorado Wildlife Refuge. The final five kilometers to La Tigra was horrendously potholed and muddy. We loved it! Unfotunately we got stuck in a large, muddy pit just two kilometers from the river. Our own efforts to liberate my Isuzu Rodeo were totally in vain. We were in the middle of nowhere. The nearest farm with a tractor was perhaps ten kilometers away. We were so desperate that we searched for a local farmer to haul us out with cattle. The farmer was nowhere to be found. Fortunately seven very friendly and extraordinarily helpful Nicaraguans trekking along the same road gave us fourteen extra hands! After an hour of sweating, straining, hauling and propping logs and getting super soaked and muddy as it rained, the car was liberated. YEAAAAAH! As you'll see in the final two photos we got to repay the favor hauling their own car up a slick, muddy hill.
Camino a La Tigra - Rio San Juan
Camino a La Tigra - Rio San Juan
Too Much Mud
Too Much Mud
We're Stuck?!?
We're Stuck?!?
Retrovisor Embarrealado
Retrovisor Embarrealado
Parabrisa Embarrealada
Parabrisa Embarrealada
Cara Roja & Aburrida
Cara Roja & Aburrida
1, 2, 3 Push!!!
1, 2, 3 Push!!!
Jalando Palos
Jalando Palos
Nueva Pareja en el Camino
Nueva Pareja en el Camino
Empuje Fuerte!
Empuje Fuerte!
Lifting 2222 kilos
Lifting 2222 kilos
Una Esfuerza Increible
Una Esfuerza Increible
Monton de Palos
Monton de Palos
Jale, Jale, Jale!!!
Jale, Jale, Jale!!!
El Favor Devuelto
El Favor Devuelto
Baby Jalando
Baby Jalando
La Tigra Map
La Tigra Map