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Sicily, named after the people of the Sicilians that lived in ancient times has undergone many rulers who vestiges of a rich and multi-ethnic.
It is the largest island in the Mediterranean region and is the largest and southernmost Italy.
The surface is 25708 km; bordered to the north by the Strait of Messina with Calabria, south ideally with Tunisia through the Sicilian channel width of about 140 km, on the east by the Ionian Sea and the west by the Mediterranean Sea.
The region consists of 8 provinces with the capital Palermo.
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Temple of Concord
Temple of Concord
square Amerina  the love scene
square Amerina the love scene
Palermo market Ballarò
Palermo market Ballarò
cliff  Scala dei Turchi
cliff Scala dei Turchi
white top scala dei  turchi
white top scala dei turchi
temple of Ercole
temple of Ercole
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DS PB 04 OK.jpg
Favignana island
Favignana island
port Levanzo
port Levanzo
temple Segesta
temple Segesta
theater Segesta
theater Segesta
art of sicily
art of sicily
chaos electric
chaos electric
the sweet Sicilian Canolo
the sweet Sicilian Canolo
Palermo market Ballarò
Palermo market Ballarò
Palermo market Ballarò
Palermo market Ballarò
Etna volcano
Etna volcano
Etna eruption
Etna eruption
Etna volcano
Etna volcano
Cathedral of Monreale
Cathedral of Monreale
Monreale Cathedral
Monreale Cathedral
Cathedral of Monreale
Cathedral of Monreale
Monreale Christ
Monreale Christ
Norman Palace
Norman Palace
Norman Palace
Norman Palace
craftsman of puppets
craftsman of puppets
Sicilian puppet
Sicilian puppet
Oratory of San Lorenzo
Oratory of San Lorenzo
cloister of Monreale
cloister of Monreale
Palermo Square Pretoria
Palermo Square Pretoria
temple of concord
temple of concord
Massimo theatre Palermo
Massimo theatre Palermo
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DSP 22 ok.jpg