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Canyonlands & Beyond

Edward Abbey, while living in a trailer at the road's end in Arches NP, found himself irritated by tourist who visited the park and never left their car. "Get out, get on your knees and be with nature. You can't be in nature from your car."
Now Edward was always a stubborn desert rat that hated manicured gardens, pavement, and probably most people. Especially those that didn't want to get dirty. "Get on your knees and smell the dirt!"
Arches Double O Trail
Arches Double O Trail
Fischer Tower
Fischer Tower
Splish Splash
Splish Splash
Potash Ponds
Potash Ponds
Balanced Rock In The Last of The Sun
Balanced Rock In The Last of The Sun
Yee Ha! Ride 'em Cowboy
Yee Ha! Ride 'em Cowboy
Courthouse Towers In Spring
Courthouse Towers In Spring
Top of the Fin
Top of the Fin
Story Telling
Story Telling
Out On The White Rim
Out On The White Rim
Potash & Desert Color
Potash & Desert Color
Balanced Rock Just Before The Strike
Balanced Rock Just Before The Strike
North Window
North Window
Killing The Snake
Killing The Snake
Dead Horse Point
Dead Horse Point
Red Rock & La Sal Mountains
Red Rock & La Sal Mountains
Mormon Ranch Fischer Valley
Mormon Ranch Fischer Valley
Cairns For Lizards
Cairns For Lizards
Red Dirt Girl & Her Sidekick
Red Dirt Girl & Her Sidekick
Arches At Sunset
Arches At Sunset