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Stephanie | profile | all galleries >> Photography >> Photoshop Phun tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Photoshop Phun

I've been dabbling in Photoshop the past couple years and find it to be great fun! There's still a lot to learn, but with the help of my Apple trainers I'm learning to add some humor to my images. So, grab your goofy goggles and get ready to view some quirky photos.
Happy Easter!!!!
Happy Easter!!!!
Happy Birthday Cindi
Happy Birthday Cindi
Violet's a Lovebird
Violet's a Lovebird
Peanuts Gang Christmas Photo - 2007
Peanuts Gang Christmas Photo - 2007
Go Team Lucy
Go Team Lucy
Ronald McDonald House - Wilmington, DE
Ronald McDonald House - Wilmington, DE
Wild Tomato
Wild Tomato
Sunflower Power
Sunflower Power
Solarized Hibiscus
Solarized Hibiscus
Peanuts Gang Christmas Photo - 2008
Peanuts Gang Christmas Photo - 2008
Solardized Butterfly
Solardized Butterfly
Cool Sunflower
Cool Sunflower
Pixilated Sunflower
Pixilated Sunflower
Solarized Chevy
Solarized Chevy
Groovy Aspens - Aspen, CO
Groovy Aspens - Aspen, CO
Maroon Bells Solarized
Maroon Bells Solarized
Dude wheres my aspen?
Dude wheres my aspen?
Our 3 girls
Our 3 girls
Shopping along Rue Cler - Paris
Shopping along Rue Cler - Paris
Peanuts Gang Valentine - 2009
Peanuts Gang Valentine - 2009
Fresco squirrel
Fresco squirrel
Hungry  finches
Hungry finches
Clowny (downy) woodpecker at suit feeder
Clowny (downy) woodpecker at suit feeder
Snowbird fun
Snowbird fun
Mr. Lucy loves macaroons from Laduree
Mr. Lucy loves macaroons from Laduree
Adventures in ladder climbing
Adventures in ladder climbing
Psychadelic Molly
Psychadelic Molly
Cherry Blossom Festival - Washington DC
Cherry Blossom Festival - Washington DC
Cut-Out Blossoms
Cut-Out Blossoms
Twirling Blossoms
Twirling Blossoms
Military Chopper
Military Chopper
Mr. Lucy loves all colors of the rainbow
Mr. Lucy loves all colors of the rainbow
Violet's Easter Card - 2009
Violet's Easter Card - 2009
Funky Eiffel Tower
Funky Eiffel Tower
Violet's hay ball
Violet's hay ball
Becky & Ryan's bridal party
Becky & Ryan's bridal party
Glowing hydrangeas
Glowing hydrangeas
Mama & baby swans - Cape May, NJ
Mama & baby swans - Cape May, NJ
Find the bunny
Find the bunny
Papa Bluebird
Papa Bluebird
Are you lookin' at me?
Are you lookin' at me?
Baby Bath
Baby Bath