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Stephanie | all galleries >> Monthly Challenges >> December 2014 ~ December in Color > Hummer dummer ding dong
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Hummer dummer ding dong

Conservatory ~ Longwood Gardens

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Canon Powershot G12
1/10s f/8.0 at 30.5mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
fotabug28-Dec-2014 13:54
Gorgeous artwork!
Guest 28-Dec-2014 06:03
MarcViskens27-Dec-2014 18:49
very pretty Stephanie
Merry Christmas and a very happy Year
Nick Paoni27-Dec-2014 15:16
A beautiful stylized image, great choice for the special effects filter!
Carol Rollins27-Dec-2014 14:10
How beautiful! I love your processing here.
This reminded me of a lovely little hummingbird that I received from a secret Santa
this year.
Janice Dunn26-Dec-2014 23:56
Frank Brault26-Dec-2014 18:52
Gorgeous with beautiful colors! V
Sandi Whitteker26-Dec-2014 18:37
Very arty! Wonderful Stephanie.
Jola Dziubinska26-Dec-2014 01:19
Stunning work with this artistic processing! V.
meekam tam25-Dec-2014 07:59
Beautifully processed.Stephanie! V
Brenda24-Dec-2014 12:51
I like how you processed this. Very creative. V
Jeff Real24-Dec-2014 11:23
You have made a wonderful photograph of this special find ~V~
Yvonne24-Dec-2014 10:48
He's wonderful Steph, love the arty touch! All the best to you & yours! v
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal24-Dec-2014 07:48
Beautiful colors, great work Stephanie. V
Margot W24-Dec-2014 06:53
Lovely work with a beautiful image to work with,
Mieke WA Minkjan24-Dec-2014 06:39
beautiful work V
Knox O24-Dec-2014 05:08
oh that's really cool and great contrasts
Walter Otto Koenig23-Dec-2014 19:46
Very cool processing work Steph. I like the vivid colors. "V"
Pierre23-Dec-2014 19:07
Un traitement absolument superbe! V
Terry Sprague23-Dec-2014 18:05
Fabulous color and processing! V
Martin Lamoon23-Dec-2014 17:31
Great colours!
Wishing you and your family a great Christmas & New Year
globalgadabout23-Dec-2014 16:45
a real eye-catcher, almost flamboyant...interesting background too..
Jim's Atavistic Visions23-Dec-2014 15:14
You sure know how to use colors!
Guest 23-Dec-2014 14:51
Beautiful colors and glassy sparkle. V
larose forest photos23-Dec-2014 14:47
Very cool!!! This is a lovely. V
Kim23-Dec-2014 14:21
Lovely colorful composition! V
Gerard Koehl23-Dec-2014 14:15
Superbe. V
Jim Coffman23-Dec-2014 14:02
Excellent work!Such a nice color!
Hank Vander Velde23-Dec-2014 13:16
Neat and colorful image Stephanie.
Helen Betts23-Dec-2014 12:57
A delightfully fanciful capture! V.
joseantonio23-Dec-2014 12:56
This is really a beauty. Very nice work.V
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