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Stephanie | all galleries >> Europe >> France >> Limousin > Philex Tapisserie
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Philex Tapisserie

Tapestry Museum
Aubusson, France

Canon EOS 7D
1/20s f/5.0 at 28.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Helen Betts16-Feb-2013 21:08
You must have enjoyed this. Great capture of a very striking modern tapestry. V.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)10-Feb-2013 12:49
Excellent and beautiful,V+
Peter Sussex05-Feb-2013 17:29
You cropped it so well, that it can be used as a wonderful stamp by French Post
Alexander Kazakov03-Feb-2013 18:06
Superb! V
Sandi Whitteker03-Feb-2013 15:42
That's France. Art everywhere, and everything artfully presented. Excellent!
Guest 01-Feb-2013 12:38
lots of colors.... V
Tom LeRoy01-Feb-2013 10:42
Excellently framed, and great colors. Nicely done! V
Patrick F01-Feb-2013 06:47
Perfect shot of the symbol of France, very well seen!!! V+++++++++++
Gerard Koehl01-Feb-2013 05:39
Superbe tapisserie. V
Yvonne01-Feb-2013 05:23
What a magnificent tapestry, must have taken ages to sew all of that! Beautiful shot! v
slhoornstra01-Feb-2013 05:14
Wonderful framing of this artwork, gorgeous!! V
LynnH01-Feb-2013 02:13
Really colorful and beautiful. V
Carol Rollins01-Feb-2013 01:12
A very clean, clear image Steph. Thanks for sharing.
John Hamers31-Jan-2013 22:27
Great image of this wonderful art !!V
Walter Otto Koenig31-Jan-2013 22:13
Very nicely photographed and framed Steph. "V"
Graeme31-Jan-2013 22:07
Well seen and captured, Stephanie.BV
marie-jose wolff31-Jan-2013 21:46
a beautiful piece of art, nicely captured! V
Martin Lamoon31-Jan-2013 21:40
An interesting piece of art. v
godro31-Jan-2013 21:35
Nice capture!
Frank Brault31-Jan-2013 21:33
So lovely! V
Colin Storey31-Jan-2013 21:03
Great image of this colourful work of art. v
Jim Coffman31-Jan-2013 20:58
A very interesting image,Stephanie!
joseantonio31-Jan-2013 20:31
Very nice work capturing this piece of art.V.
Kim31-Jan-2013 20:20
Very nice capture Steph. V
Chris31-Jan-2013 20:16
This is wonderful Steph. I'm so pleased you were able to visit the exhibition.
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