RENNELL ISLAND Beach below Lavangu village |
 Village track, Lavangu |
 Native orchid |
 District secondary school |
 Native hibiscus |
 Village home, Lavangu |
 Coconuts at the ready |
 Polynesian islanders offering refreshing coconuts |
 Steep track down the coral escarpment |
 Steep track down the coral escarpment |
 Rennell village children, Solomon Is. |
 Rennell village children |
 The cove below Lavangu |
 Two friends, Rennell Is. |
 The cove below Lavangu |
 Red Footed Booby off Rennell |
 MAKIRA ISLAND. Villagers of Anuta paddle out to make contact |
 Villagers paddle out to make contact |
 About to land at Anuta, with the villagers in readiness |
 Nearing Anuta (Courtesy John & Jemi Holmes) |
 Nearing Anuta village |
 Nearing Anuta village |
 Official welcome to Anuta village |
 Welcoming party, Anuta village |
 Chief and cruise leader exchange words of welcome |
 Welcoming party, Anuta village |
 Refreshments awaiting, Anuta village |
 Welcoming party, Anuta village |
 Abandoned Malaysian logging camp, Anuta |
 Abandoned Malaysian logging camp, Anuta |
 Villagers pass the abandoned Malaysian logging camp, Anuta |
 Birdwatchers at the ready |
 Breadfruit tree (?) |
 Villagers' vegetable gardens |
 Secondary forest, Makira |
 Following the abandoned logging road |
 Village boys, Anuta |
 Eight-month-old Anneliese draws admirers |
 Foreshore at Anuta village |
 Beach Kingfisher |