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Philip Game | profile | all galleries >> India (14 galleries) >> Pushkar camel fair, Rajasthan, India tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Road trip to Tawang, NE India | Manipur, NE India | Ladakh & Himachal Pradesh (4 galleries) | Gujarat, India | Mumbai (Bombay) | Haridwar, India | Rishikesh, India | Pushkar camel fair, Rajasthan, India | Uttarakhand, northern India | Rajasthan: Jaipur | Rajasthan: Udaipur, Kumbalgarh and beyond | Agra | Slowly down the Ganges | Delhi, Old and New

Pushkar camel fair, Rajasthan, India

Each November a dusty throng of camels and their owners, pious Hindu pilgrims, holy men in their hundreds and spectators from far and wide descends on this normally somnolent desert outpost. Beyond the fairground the Rajasthani nomads make camp with their camels, flanks freshly branded, and tricked out with the finest pom-poms and flower-bedecked harness. Tourists doze fitfully in the pre-dawn darkness as throngs of chanting pilgrims circumnavigate the sacred tank or lake. As the day wears on, the faithful gather to disrobe and bathe in the hallowed waters. Narrow, winding streets fill as sadhus, streaked in ash and garlanded with marigolds, brush past beggars and backpackers; sandwich boards hawk internet access and Israeli fast food.

These images were largely taken with Nikon D200 (10.2 mpx) in RAW format and all are available for licensing. Please visit my Blog Post, September 2011

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Welcome to Pushkar (scan from 35mm)
Welcome to Pushkar (scan from 35mm)
Early morning at the sacred lake, Pushkar
Early morning at the sacred lake, Pushkar
The sacred lake in early afternoon, Pushkar
The sacred lake in early afternoon, Pushkar
Bathing in the sacred lake, Pushkar
Bathing in the sacred lake, Pushkar
Pilgrims around the lake in early morning
Pilgrims around the lake in early morning
Dwarf Sadhu, Pushkar, India
Dwarf Sadhu, Pushkar, India
Sadhu and friend, Pushkar, India
Sadhu and friend, Pushkar, India
Architectural detail
Architectural detail
India's only Brahma Temple
India's only Brahma Temple
Devotees throng the Brahma Temple just after dawn
Devotees throng the Brahma Temple just after dawn
Steps of the Brahma Temple
Steps of the Brahma Temple
India's  only Brahma Temple
India's only Brahma Temple
Holi powder
Holi powder
Lingam symbolises the act of creation
Lingam symbolises the act of creation
Chai for a wired world (scan from 35mm transparency)
Chai for a wired world (scan from 35mm transparency)
Beads and necklaces
Beads and necklaces
Selling bangles and garlands for the camels
Selling bangles and garlands for the camels
Time for a trim at the camel fair, Pushkar
Time for a trim at the camel fair, Pushkar
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