IMG_2745s Jesse Cahill |
 Jay Cairns |
 Roxanna Avalos Calderon |
 IMG_9375 Graham Calder |
 IMG_2045 Zanne Cameron |
 IMG_2626 Jeff Campbell |
 David (Crawdad) Canterra |
 IMG_5729 Greg Carroll |
gallery: David (Crawdad) Cantera
 IMG_5831 David (Crawdad) Cantera |
 IMG_2079 George and Don Carmichael |
 IMG_2082 George Carmichael |
 IMG_0148 J.P. Carter |
 Cyd Cassone |
 Wes Caswell |
 IMG_3662 Wes Caswell |
 IMG_8164 Brian Champagne |
 IMG_5903 Shari Chaskin |
gallery: Tim Chesterton
 IMG_3891 Paul Cheatley |
 IMG_0066 Mike Chenoweth |
 Morgan Childs |
 Dawn Chubai |
 Dan Churchhill |
 Dan Churchhill |
 IMG_4585 Joanna Ciapka -Sangster |
 Kurt Ciesla |
 IMG_9365 Gerry Clarke |
 IMG_5472 Brad Clarke |
 IMG_1955 Ashley Clelland |
 IMG_3408 Ashley Clelland |
 IMG_0641 Dancy Cole |
 IMG_6461 Jim Connor |
 Jerry Cook - Tenor sax |
 IMG_8227 Kevin Cook |
 IMG_8228 Kevin Cook |
 Danny Cooper |
 Jamie Cooper |
 IMG_5549 Mike Corbett - keys |
 IMG_2084 Neil Corlett (foreground) Martin Walters |
 IMG_1939 Lindsey Coulter |
 Paul Courage |
 Charles Cousineau |
 Trevor Cousineau |
 IMG_6502 Tom Coxworth and Lionel Rault |
 IMG_0910 Brad Creemer |
 IMG_2451 Paul McFarlane Steve Crocker Randy Zutter |
 Sean Cronin |
 IMG_0947 Sean Cronin |
 Stuart Crosley |
 IMG_6552 Bryan Culliton |
 IMG_2507 Jeary Czhapla |
 IMG_5337 Jay Scraba - guitar, Andrew Cull - drums |
 IMG_3127 Jason Carnew |
 IMG_4240 Tim Chesterton Dec 18 |
 IMG_1853 Alex Cuba Nov 20, 2006 |
 IMG_6769.JPG Crawdad Cantera Sept 17 |
 IMG_2944 Allison Crowe at Yardbird May 18 |
 IMG_1976 Althea Cunningham at Blue Chair Nov 24 |
 Chris Tarry Project 33 at Yardbird Suite 2005_01_29 |
 Crash with Dr Lonnie Smith at Yardbird Suite 2005_04_30 |
 IMG_9456 Caliente Quartet |
 IMG_2220 Caliente |
 Dan Churchill |
 IMG_4314 Chuck Costello |
 IMG_1899 Alex Cuba |
 IMG_1376 Chuck Costello |
 IMG_1343 Sandy Cooke |
 IMG_3863 Brennan Cameron |
 IMG_5316 Chad |
 IMG_8294 Brian Copping |
 IMG_7874 Landon A.R. Coleman |
 IMG_8671 Harold (Hal) Cashman |
 IMG_8243 Morgan Childs |
 IMG_5761 T.L. Cowan |
 IMG_9496 Jean-Jacques Chateauneuf "That Guy" |
 IMG_3051 Andy Chevalier |
 IMG_4402 Joel Cherland |
 IMG_5534 Thomas Coombes |
 IMG_5556 Alison Corbett |
 IMG_7528 J.P. Carter |
 IMG_9971 Spencer Cheyne |
 IMG_9994 Michael Cutler |
 img39 Michael Carey and Lindsay Ell |
 Liz Chapman |
 IMG_6750 Amy Campbell |
 IMG_3603 Eliana Cuevas Oct 18, 2007 |
 IMG_3611 Eliana Cuevas |
 IMG_8918 Kenny Chalmers |
 Rob Clutton |
 IMG_8374 Rock and Flower - Bruce Goebel & Debra Christiansen |
 IMG_8457 Scott Cook Feb 15 |
 IMG_0539 Marc Clement |
 IMG_4652 Greg Cockerill May 19 |
 IMG_6870 Spencer Cheyne |
 IMG_6872 Mike Cann |
 IMG_5930 T L Cowan |