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Narrative essays give you the opportunity to write about a moment that shaped your values, molded your beliefs or taught you a valuable lesson. Using storytelling elements like characterization, dialogue and description, a narrative essay dramatizes your experience, much the way a fiction writer uses these devices to unfold a short story. Structure, development and detail are all necessary to developing an effective narrative essay. A narrative essay begins with an opening that introduces readers to the characters, setting and conflict. Rather than starting with lengthy details or narration, good introductions drop readers in the middle of the action. For example, if you're writing about learning how to ride a bike, you might open with a description of your parents cheering you on as you ride across the yard, then fall over on the sidewalk. This introduction sets up the challenge you faced and generates sympathy in readers, encouraging them to read on.

In short stories, fiction writers often use the traditional structure of rising action, climactic action and falling action. Because your essay also has a plot, you too will employ these elements. Your essay's action should move toward a significant moment, such as an accomplishment, failure or realization, that encapsulates the importance of your experience. For example, you could expand your bike essay by showing how falling didn't defeat you; you continued to try up to the moment your parents pushed you off, and you finally could ride on your own. Without detail your essay will merely summarize your experience, but the sights, sounds and smells that make the memory so vivid can help readers experience the emotions you felt when you lived through it. For example, the essay about learning to ride your bike might describe the scrape of pavement against your knees when you fell, the rich scent of freshly mowed grass and the exhilarating feeling of wind against your face as you achieved your goal of riding a bike. A narrative essay's last paragraph should leave readers with an understanding of why this experience was so important to you and how you changed as a result. In click here for more -riding essay, you might end with a description of how you rode not just across your family's yard but down the street and toward the next block, the farthest you'd ever been from home alone. This image communicates that learning to ride a bike wasn't just a lesson in perseverance but also a big step toward independence.

Figure 2 presents frequencies of spelling orthographic errors among the participants in this article. Respondent 42 from school Z (Z42) had the highest number of spelling errors committed, followed by respondent 50 from school X (X50) and respondent 5 from school Y (Y5) which had an average level of spelling errors. Respondents committed a number of spelling errors. Seventy-five per cent of the respondents used numbers instead of words, 57% used poor sentence construction and 90% omitted some words in their essays. The effect of WhatsApp language errors on writing was observed in the respondents' academic essay writing. Respondents wrote sentences using numbers instead of words and abbreviations. For example, some wrote 'bf' (before), '2dy' (today), '1tm' (first time). The orthographic errors throw light on the social constructivist notion of error analysis, which suggests that learners bring into the classroom concepts they may be using outside the classroom, for example on social media and cell phones. As they communicate in an informal manner on these platforms, the language used on WhatsApp is then internalised and reproduced by the respondents in their academic essays. Article was generated by Essay Freelance Writers!

Such writing by the respondents may suggest that they are using WhatsApp social media in their day-to-day life. Their informal language structures resurface in the formal written work as it did in the essays analysed for this study. The use of WhatsApp language by the respondents in the formal written essays made reading, understanding and marking of the work very difficult since the researcher had to try to decipher what the participant intended to say. Young (2009:56) states that another way of shortening communication in English is through the use of 'emoticons'. This is an intriguingly new and still evolving linguistic trend which tends to delight, annoy or puzzle people as they read a piece of work - as was observed by the researchers while they were reading the essays analysed for this article. The negative effects of learners abbreviated writing in academic work, according to lecturers from the Ghana Academic Affairs Department of the Wa Polytechnic Registry (2006), were generally: poor (52%), reflected reading problems (33%) and delayed the script marking process (19%). These issues negate the positive impact of text messaging as generalised.

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