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This might seem a strange essay to include in an autobiographical collection; however, autobiographies are not just about the physical business of living. Awareness of the way a person thinks, reasons, and perhaps arrives at decisions completes any character assessment. The following essay is, if you like, an exercise in weeding out distractions to arrive at an answer. A process I usually employ is a straight-forward - problem-solving approach: problem-solving consists of using common, or informal methods, in an methodical way, for finding answers to problems. Some of the problem-solving systems developed and used in a number of disciplines are related to mental problem-solving procedures studied in psychology. Who can use such an approach? Are any special skills employed? The answers are - Anyone - and - Not Really. These days we are very lucky; if someone is determined enough to ‘get to the bottom’ of an ambiguity - there’s no reason why they shouldn’t. First, reduce the problem to its simplest components, and work forward from that simplest point.

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I strongly suspect both my parents died not knowing nor understanding why they had been part of this world. I also suspect this sad prospect may be applied to the majority of the seven-billion people who inhabit this world today. Most of us though, at some stage surely must, ‘wonder what it’s all about’, but, rightly or wrongly, never quite formulate an answer. Questions and answers alluding to the, meaning of life, have emerged throughout history. Many of those well thought-out responses have been recorded worldwide in religious, philosophical and scientific disciplines. how to write an autobiographical essay for graduate school , we live at a time when both education, and an embarrassment of information is more readily available. Thus, should we choose, anyone might construct a reasonably informed and logical judgment on such a question. Official responses to the queries about - ‘the meaning of life’ or ‘why are we here’ - range from profoundly thought out, philosophical responses, both ancient and modern, to a glut of glib answers - mere dogma - trotted out by any number of religious or cult organisations.

The human race has grasped at these, mostly false straws, in the hope of finding some inner peace, or some logical reason for simply ‘being’. Anything at all, to make the related pain and joy that accompanies us from cradle to grave, more comprehensible. In a paper entitled - Heavenbound A scientific exploration - Henig, makes the following observation…‘Lost in the hullabaloo over the neo-atheists is a quieter and potentially more illuminating debate. It is taking place not between science and religion but within science itself, specifically among the scientists studying the evolution of religion. These scholars tend to agree on one point: that religious belief is an outgrowth of brain architecture that evolved during early human history. The gods, or spirit representatives, could also be seen as providing a ‘third-party’ - a ‘big brother’ - who ensured submissive compliance was rewarded, and arrogant non-compliance was ruthlessly punished. This ‘third-party’ could also be blamed or beseeched in troubled times. This data was written with Essay Freelance Writers!

Gods were, and still are, mankind’s security blanket in troubled times! Likewise, the old remedy of basic reward and punishment - heaven and hell - are still applied in the common religions of today. Shamanic practices held sway, and from our understanding, a philosophy similar to the Aboriginal Dream Time was adhered to, and strictly governed day-to-day living. Religion could better be described as ideology in the sense that - as with modern-day Islam - religion was the law and dictated every aspect of daily life. Medicine predating written records, evolved with the emergence of modern hominids over two-million years ago. The study of prehistoric medicines is mainly dependent on sources such as skeletons, artifacts, and cave paintings. It draws heavily on anthropological studies of indigenous cultures in Asia, Australasia, Africa, and the Americas. Prehistoric people relied on a combination of religious beliefs and practical treatments, made from local materials to treat their ailments. Their anatomical knowledge appeared to be very slight, and they believed illnesses were caused by supernatural media, such as the gods or curses.

Rational treatment was used only on obvious injuries; otherwise spiritual treatment was carried out by a shaman or medicine man, who received his medical ability through his relationship with the gods. That is on one level. On another level entirely, the need for the human race to grasp at straws presents an opportunity for the smart mind to control the gullible mind. With the emergence of self-awareness and the greater thinking power of a complex human brain - physical strength alone was no longer enough to make a leader. It is suggested that one in ten people demonstrate leadership capabilities. Whilst all cannot be leaders - many can be ‘leaders in their field’. Opportunists abound throughout all cultures. Often the most successful survivors are the best opportunists. Those who see an opening then use it ruthlessly to further and improve their own life-style, and perhaps the life-style and chances for their own families for many generations. 2000 BC: Time of Abraham, the patriarch of Israel.

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