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Content written by-Silva Larson

Your skin is one of your most noticeable features, and a sign of how well you take care of yourself. By following like drinking water and getting plenty of sleep, as well as following a skin care regimen, you can expose your most beautiful skin. Impress those you encounter with these tips.

To keep your skin younger looking and more healthy, opt for using self-tanners and lotions instead of sitting out in the sun, or going to an indoor tanning salon. Whether it is natural or artificial sunlight, the UVA and UVB rays are still damaging to your skin. You can get that same look in the safety of a self-tanning cream or lotion without the damaging side effects.

Dry skin is a problem for many people, especially during the winter months. To keep skin moisturized, avoid hot water, as this will dry out your skin even further. When taking showers, or washing your face and hands, always use lukewarm water. And remember to apply moisturizer liberally, while the skin is still slightly damp.

Do not use water that is too hot or too cold to wash your face: the ideal water temperature is warm. When the water is too hot, you can dry out your skin. If you use water that is too cold, you will not get as thorough of a clean with your face wash.

Your hands have some of the most sensitive skin on your body. During colder times of the year, it's very easy for them to dry out and crack so make sure you keep them moisturized. It's also a good idea to wear gloves to protect your skin when you go out in the cold. If you like to wear wool gloves, make sure you put a think cotton glove underneath it to keep the wool from irritating your skin.

Knowing your skin type is a essential for great skin care. If you have sensitive skin, you will want to avoid things such as harsh facial peels. If you have dry skin, you'll want to focus more on moisturizing.

Pay attention to the age and expiration dates on any old skin care products you may have. Sunscreen, for example, expires about three years after it is manufactured. This means that the product no longer has the same effectiveness as it did when it was new. The product is probably not dangerous, but it's not going to work, either.

Your skin is exposed to the elements, so as the weather changes so do your skin care needs. During winter, invest in a thicker moisturizer to provide more protection from the wind and cold. During the summer, look for lighter weight items without oils to keep your skin soft and smooth.

Using gentler skin care products is helpful for those with extra sensitive skin. The best way to avoid breakouts, rashes or other skin problems is to use products without coloring, scent or other additives.

Eat foods and drink beverages that contain abundant amounts of antioxidants. This will help keep your skin safe from free radicals. Fruit, dark chocolate and green tea are all very beneficial additions to your diet. These antioxidants will help to protect your skin from the damage done by stress, smoking and UV rays.

If the skin around your eyes appears red, swollen, or itchy, your eye makeup may be the likely culprit. Most of the time, the offender isn't an actual ingredient, but rather the age of your mascara, eyeliner, or eyeshadow. Any product that you place on or around your eye should be replaced after six months at the most. Stop using your mascara immediately if it becomes dry.

When traveling with a baby, purchase baby supplies online and have them sent to your vacation spot. Baby items, such as diapers, wipes and food, take up a lot of space. Ordering these things online and sending them ahead, means that you won't have as much to pack and unpack.

For men, sometimes shaving can lead to skin problems. To prevent ingrown hair bumps, rinse your face with cold water post shaving, or apply ice to the areas you've shaved. By applying ice or cold water, you close the pores, preventing hair from growing into the skin as it grows back. You can also try using an aftershave.

Maintaining clean cosmetics is very important. If you have sensitive skin or suffer from acne, be diligent in keeping your cosmetics clean. To avoid bacterial contamination, always apply makeup to a face that's been freshly washed. Wash your facial brushes about once a week in a mild soap or facial cleanser.

Be careful about using anti-aging products. Many anti-aging products contain lipids. They are often heavy and creamy and very bad about clogging pores. They can cause your skin to break out if you are already moisturizing it regularly. If you feel you must use an anti-aging product, try finding one that doesn't use lipids.

Surprisingly, caffeine can be a good friend in your skin care by reducing redness, tightening your skin and minimizing the appearance of cellulite. Many lotions and creams use the vasodilator property of caffeine to firm the skin by constricting blood cells. It helps with cellulite by dehydrating fatty cells, which makes your skin look smoother.

Using a humidifier during the winter months can help to prevent flaky, dry skin. Heat from a furnace removes moisture that can dry and crack your skin, along with causing static build-up in the hair. A humidifier is a great way to counteract this problem.

Never let a baby stay in direct sunlight. Keep them in the shade and always apply a strong sunblock. If does get a sunburn, use a cool cloth to relieve any pain. Call your child's doctor if the burn seems severe, or if any questions come up.

With all of what you just learned you should feel more informed about how you can properly take care of your skin. There were probably some bits of information in this article that you didn't even know applied to skin care, and that's okay. As long as you remember all of the information that was presented to you, you should have a good understanding of how to maintain healthy skin.

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