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Content author-Lopez Klint

Your skin is the first thing people see when they meet you. The best way to make an excellent first impression is to take good care of the largest organ of your body, your skin. The advice in this article should help you take better care of your skin and make great first impressions.

You should wash your face at least, twice a day. You should, especially, make sure you take the time to wash your face thoroughly each and every morning. Overnight, your skin can get quite oily and dirty. Washing your skin in the morning will help to prevent all of that oil and dirt from clogging your pores.

To keep your skin looking its best, avoid consuming excessive alcoholic beverages. People who consume more than one alcoholic drink per day are significantly more prone to dull, lifeless-looking skin, noticeably larger pores, and even increased oil production. Alcohol intake can also affect quality of sleep, which can cause dark under-eye circles and uneven skin tone.

To protect yourself from the sun, make sure you pack enough lotion with you. The place where you are traveling too might be much sunnier than what you are used to, which is why you must protect your skin as much as possible. Wear a hat and apply sun lotion regularly.

It is very important to use sunblock on your face anytime you plan on being out in the sun. This will help to prevent sunburn and cancer. Some foundation/concealers are even made with SPF in it, and that is an excellent choice. If you do use just sunblock, make sure it is made for faces so it won't be too oily and cause you to break-out.

Mineral makeup is a beauty product that is made from natural minerals found on earth. It tends to be very good for your skin. It gives you that extra glow, and also helps prevent breakouts from occurring. Though this make up is more expensive, it is worth every penny you spend.

Do not mix different skin care products. Try to purchase skin care products made for your skin type from one specific product line of a brand. Mixing different products can create an allergic reaction for your skin. Always test before applying to your face and read the list of ingredients in each product.

If you use a disposable razor to remove hair from your skin, throw it away as soon as it becomes dull. If you try to shave with a dull blade, you'll have to press harder, which not only irritates the skin, but it makes cuts more likely. Use a fresh razor and a light touch.

Instead of washing your face with either very hot or very cold water, use only lukewarm water, as part of your daily regimen. Both hot and cold water shock the skin, which can leave it especially irritated and dry. Extreme temperatures may also dehydrate skin cells and cause unsightly capillaries to surface.

When exfoliating, scrubbing harder is not the answer; rubbing for longer is the key. By scrubbing harder with exfoliants you can do more harm than help. With an even pressure and a lengthy scrubbing, you will strip the dead skin away without damaging new healthy cells underneath. Time yourself with a song!

To keep skin looking younger, try using cabbage juice to tighten skin and prevent wrinkles. Take a half-cup of cabbage and grind it to extract the juice. Apply the juice to your face and let it dry completely before rinsing it off with warm water. Using the cabbage juice, as part of your skin care routine, helps tone and tighten skin while helping to prevent those wrinkles.

To draw out even the most stubborn blackheads, try twice-weekly treatments with a nutrient-rich refining masque. Ideally, the masque should contain Kaolin clay, which is highly effective for removing impurities, absorbing excess oils, and tightening and shrinking the pores. Over , this will create noticeable improvements in the appearance and texture of skin.

After washing your face with warm water, a great way to close your pores is by splashing cold water on your face. You can avoid using facial toners, by just using cold water instead. Water is a natural and cheap solution to closing pores, and they don't contain any of the harsh chemicals that toners do.

For optimal skin health, make sure you eat foods containing vitamins A, C, and E. Skin care isn't just about what you put on your face. The foods that you eat play an important role in the quality of your skin, as well. These same vitamins can be found in skin creams, but are much more effective in protecting your skin when consumed in foods.

You are what you eat, so try and make sure you maintain a healthy diet. Healthy diets can help your skin stay healthy, rather than eating junk and fast food that's full of grease and fat you want to eat healthier foods. Your skin will not only benefit but it'll be easier to manage your weight so you're killing two birds with one stone when you eat healthy.

Avoid tanning beds and other sun exposure if you can. While it's nice to have color to your skin, it can be unhealthy for your skin. It also causes premature wrinkles. If you must have some color to your skin try gradual lotions that make your skin radiant or self tanners.

While it may be tempting to use over the counter acne treatments, you should always consult a doctor before you put anything on your face. Sometimes acne is caused by diet or other outside factors and using topical treatments will only serve to make your acne much worse than it was.

Jasmine extract makes a great skin care product for facial use. The oil from the jasmine plant is full of antioxidants, giving the skin a clear and healthy look while it conditions. The dermatological profession also does recommend this product.

These are just some of the ways that you can follow to get that beautiful looking skin. The key is to be consistent in your daily regimen. Find out which ways work best for you, and stick to them. Remember to be patient. If you stick to your regimen faithfully, your skin will look healthier and more beautiful in no time.

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