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Article by-Avery Kidd

Knowing how to properly tend to your hair can be a hard thing to do. With all that you hear about proper hair care techniques you can be left confused as to what you should do to manage your hair. If you want some hair care tips, this article is the place for you.

Use corn starch for oily hair. If you're one of those people with oily hair, corn starch can really help. Corn starch helps to absorb any oil that might be in your hair. Take a small amount and rub it into oily spots and your hair will look nice and fresh.

You should try to wear a cap when swimming in pools whenever possible, in order to protect your hair from the chlorine that is added. If you do not wear a cap when swimming, you should make sure to wash your hair and then, condition it, right after you are done.

For those with curly hair, nix SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) from your hairdressing routine, for bouncy, care-free curls. SLS is a harsh stripping agent that robs your hair of essential oils. This creates the illusion of frizz and encourages breakage. You can spot this substance by checking the ingredients of your products.

If you have curly hair, put down the brush and comb! Curly hair should only be brushed or combed while it is soaking wet. For the best results, apply conditioner to your wet hair before you comb through it. Be sure to only use a wide toothed comb so as to not cause any damage. This will keep your curls looking their best.

If you are frustrated because your hair will not grow at the rate you want it to, take a look at your diet. Your hair will not grow quickly without adequate nutritional support. Brainstorm ways that you can increase your protein intake, and minimize any junk food in your diet.

While friends may be an easy source for help with your hair care, make it a point to visit a professional, regularly. Though the intent of friends or acquaintances may be well-intentioned, mistakes can happen, and will often cost more to correct, than what a professional beautician would have cost you, in the first place.

Do not shower with extremely hot water. Only set the temperature to a nice warm water. This will help to keep the scalp from drying and becoming irritated. Once your scalp is unhealthy, your hair will quickly become unhealthy. If you get a hot shower, rinse your hair and scalp with cold water before getting out. This will reduce some of the damage done from the hot water.

If you happen to suffer from a flaky scalp, try using this treatment bi-weekly: Start sectioning your hair and do a gentle rubbing on your scalp using a rubbing alcohol-saturated cotton pad. Once the alcohol dries, start brushing your hair. Finish with a thorough rinse using warm water, and be sure not to shampoo.

Avoid overusing . Using too many lotions, creams, conditioners and the like can be just as destructive to the hair as using none. Hair-care products can build up over time, smothering your hair in a coating of oil and chemicals and irritating your scalp. Stick to a few reliable products and rotate them occasionally to keep them from building up.

For proper hair care, be sure to rinse your hair thoroughly after washing it. Shampoo and conditioner left in the hair can leave a residue that dulls the hair. Do not just rinse once and stop. You need to make sure you rinse your hair thoroughly and remove all the hairdressing products from it so it will be shiny and not dull.

Use Read the Full Piece of writing on your hair. Beer is a great way to remove any residue or build up on your hair. Use 1 cup of warm water with 6 tablespoons of beer and after you wash and condition your hair, pour this mixture over your hair. This will help make your hair nice and shiny.

If you learn to do it properly, cutting your hair yourself is a good idea. Visiting your hair salon frequently can cost a lot of money, so taking the time to learn to cut your hair yourself is a great time and money saver. Do an online search to find instructional videos on how to properly cut hair.

Beware of cotton pillowcases. Cotton pillowcases can cause your hair damage through the night when you toss and turn. The hair catches on the cotton and breaks and splits. You can try wearing a silk or satin head wrap on your head when you are sleeping at night to protect your hair from damage.

If you color your hair, try to minimize doing it to around once every two months. Hair dying can dry out and damage your hair with harsh chemicals. If you limit it to every two months, your hair will have time to recover from the damage that you had done previously.

Avoid using hot air to dry your hair. Hot air can cause damage to your hair. If you must blow dry your hair, use the cool setting. Many new hair dryers have this setting. This will still dry your hair, but it won't cause the damage that hot air causes.

Dry your hair as much as possible using a towel before you break out the blow dryer. Your hair can be damaged when using the heat setting on a blow dryer. Blow dryers eliminates moisture and natural oils from your hair. These are needed in order to make your hair look shiny and remain healthy. Removing shower water from your hair before blow drying will lessen the amount of heat you need to use to get your hair dry.

When you have extremely long hair, you must be sure to avoid wearing it in a tight ponytail or braid. The stress that this puts on your hair during the hours that you sleep can cause your hair to break or fall out. For that matter, avoid wearing tight pony tails or braids very often.

As you can from the article above, many of the products on the market today can damage your hair. Rather than using these products, you can simply make something from home that will give you shiny and healthy hair. Apply the knowledge that you have learned in this article about natural hair care products and soon, you will see your hair come alive.

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