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General Shaw Clifton, LLB, BD, PhD, AKC was elected world leader of The Salvation Army in 2006. Having retired in 2011 after five years as General, we now have from his pen and personal Journal a collection of candid autobiographical essays revealing his heart and mind, and much about the Army God raised up to span the globe. General Shaw Clifton (Rtd), in his precise, comprehensive, and flowing style, has penned an autobiography. This exceptional edition contains the detailed and personal account of a gifted essayist, lawyer, and administrator. More than simply a recording of the life of the Salvation Army’s 18th General, Something Better… reminds every reader that, with Christ, something better always lies ahead. For 20 years, my wife and I have known General Shaw and Commissioner Helen Clifton. We’ve worked closely together in the USA Eastern Territory, at International Headquarters, and when he was General as we served in territorial leadership. Although I thought I knew him reasonably well, I was surprised by the voluminous personal and corporate revelations disclosed in his book.

In his working relationships, Shaw Clifton followed the sound leadership principle of sharing information on a need-to-know basis. Hence, while reading the manuscript, I found myself thinking, Oh, that’s why this happened, or I never knew that, or Now it makes sense. The author reveals enigmatic aspects of his characteristics, roles, and multidimensional personality. Throughout the volume, the sometimes complex and often subtle pieces of the “puzzle” come together, revealing a portrait of a Christian leader and a unique and remarkable human being. I love reading biographies and I have the highest esteem for autobiographies, but this one is distinctive. Shaw Clifton writes with more clarity, insight, and honesty than I have found in reading any other biography. General Clifton discloses behind-the-scenes accounts of previously unknown interactions with territorial leaders, such as the time when a commissioner misconstrued a second-hand account of the General’s health and wrote to the Chief of the Staff to call for a High Council to remove the General from office on the grounds of ill health!

And for the first time, the General chronicles the circumstances that occasioned the historic five years of communications between The Salvation Army and the Vatican. The sequence of the essays is purely alphabetical by title—each using one word that begins with the letter “S.” Each essay stands alone and is further enhanced by the liberal use of revealing extracts from the General’s personal journal. General Clifton confesses that this strategy works fairly well, but begs the reader’s indulgence for “Spectacles,” the title of Essay 8, which focuses on his reading habits and love of books. The first essay deals with the Cliftons’ earthly lineage, as well as their courtship, early spiritual journey, and calling to officership. The essay on “Sanctification” logically follows, focusing on their commitment, maturity, and growth in grace. Following this is an essay describing his leadership roles as a corps officer, a divisional commander, a territorial commander, and a General. ‘Something Better…’ Autobiographical Essays by General Shaw Clifton (Rtd) is available in print from Salvation Books (SP&S, International Headquarters, £10.00, plus postage and packaging). This has been created by Essay Freelance Writers.

A Crest Books edition is available through the USA National Headquarters. Enriching this 432-page work are 16 pages of b/w and color photographs. A detailed index is also included. During his years in office, Clifton maintained a close interest in the connection between Christianity and social-ethical issues. how to write an autobiographical essay for graduate school helped to shape current Salvationist positional statements on issues such as abortion, war, race and ethnicity, gender, marriage and family life, euthanasia, human sexuality and pornography.Clifton advocated a role for churches in social action, not just in social service, important though the latter is. Such a role should be a non-party role and it is not for the churches to tell believers or members how to cast their vote.When he served as world leader of The Salvation Army Clifton actively worked for heightened awareness of, and greater opposition to, human trafficking.

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