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Have you decided that you want to write a novel? Most people who say that never finish. Would you like to be one of the few to really be true to your word? This article will offer tips on how to write a novel. First you need a good idea for your novel. This is called a plot, which is basically your storyline. You can write about whatever you desire to! Regardless of the type of plot you have, there should always be some type of conflict for the main character. How do you critique an article in APA? of the novel should provide the resolution of the problem. Don't worry if you don't have all the details lined out, a lot of it will fall into place as you write. Next, you need to have realistic and appealing characters. Your characters will force the action of your story, so they must be completely fleshed out. You will need a protagonist, the main character. His opposite will be the antagonist, the opposing main character who is basically the villain. Their conflict will drive the momentum of your novel, but don't forget about your secondary characters. They are important too. Article was generated by Essay Freelance Writers!

Give your characters their own stories, likes, interests, and ways of speaking. The writing is the most obvious part of a novel, but it's also where the majority of people will quit. Nobody has ever said writing a novel was easy. You can help yourself succeed by doing a couple of things. First, have your own writing space that is lacking in distractions. Get yourself a comfortable chair, and then write every day. Make it a habit to write. It can be a sentence or several chapters as long as you're writing something. This will make it so much more likely that you will actually complete your novel! Now, once you have a few chapters, you need to start proofreading and revising. It is impossible to do too many rewrites! Revisions can make or break a novel, so make sure you actually do them. Another thing that helps is having a friend critique your work. A fresh pair of eyes can be invaluable to your writing. Have you done all the rewrites you care to do? In that case, congratulations, your novel is complete! Now you can even think about possibly publishing! Wasn't it helpful to learn some tips on how to write a novel before you started?

Follow these 3 steps to learn about the basics of how to write an annotated bibliography. Each of your entries will begin with a full bibliographic entry. This entry looks just like the entry you’d include on a regular Works Cited or Reference page. Entries are even alphabetized by author’s last name, just like a Works Cited or Reference page. Here’s an example I created to show you what the citation will look like. Robertson, A. (2012). Why fairy tales are important. Roberston, Ann. “Why Fairy Tales are Important.” Psychology Today. 13.2 (2012): 210-222. Print. Roberston, Ann. “Why Fairy Tales Are Important.” Psychology Today, vol. 13, no. 2, 2012, pp. Need some help with APA or MLA? Read How to Write APA Citations in 4 Easy Steps and How to Write MLA Citations Without Going Crazy. A summary explains the main ideas of the source. Someone else should be able to read your summary and know exactly what the source is about.

This isn’t the time to tell readers whether or not you like the source. Be objective. Just state what the source is about. No more, no less. Here’s an example of what a summary of an article might look like. Robertson’s article argues that fairy tales are important because they teach children moral tales of right and wrong and provide children an outlet for their emotions. Fairy tales also allow children to develop their imagination and critical thinking as they journey with characters to magical lands. Here’s your chance to write a brief paragraph or two to tell readers what you think of the source and how it fits into your own research. I’ve color coded the questions you should ask, so that you can clearly see what’s going on in my example below. Is the author credible? What did I like or not like about the source? Are the arguments effective? Does the author support her arguments? What are the strengths and weaknesses? How might I incorporate this source into my paper? Answering these types of questions will help you formulate an effective critique and evaluation of each source. Here’s an example of what your evaluation might look like. Dr. Robertson is a well-known children’s psychologist who also has elementary education experience. Her articles are published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, and her work is considered credible. The article will be an excellent source for my paper because it includes recent studies about children’s appreciation for fairy tales and features a detailed discussion of why fairy tales are beneficial to children. Robertson even includes interviews with children that I may be able to use in my introduction. That wasn’t as bad as you thought, was it? Just three quick steps and you have an annotated bibliography!

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