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Topics >> by kimberly borchardt >> tiburzi

tiburzi Photos
Topic maintained by kimberly borchardt (see all topics)
Capri, when the focal  is  the message...
Capri, when the focal is the message...
by Adalberto Tiburzi
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Roma Coppedè, Fontana delle Rane, Fountain of the Frogs
Roma Coppedè, Fontana delle Rane, Fountain of the Frogs
by Adalberto Tiburzi
by Adalberto Tiburzi
the Tiber in Rome
the Tiber in Rome
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Renzo Piano Auditorium 2003
Renzo Piano Auditorium 2003
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Seeing by Shapes /  Vedere per Forme / Voir par Formes
Seeing by Shapes / Vedere per Forme / Voir par Formes
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Wandering Years
Wandering Years
by Adalberto Tiburzi
 PaD / Jan-Feb 2005
PaD / Jan-Feb 2005
by Adalberto Tiburzi
some faves as for now (2004)
some faves as for now (2004)
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Barcelona / Passeig de Gràcia
Barcelona / Passeig de Gràcia
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Chiesa del Santo Volto di Gesù Roma
Chiesa del Santo Volto di Gesù Roma
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Metà della vita (per Hölderlin)
Metà della vita (per Hölderlin)
by Adalberto Tiburzi
and my window tells...
and my window tells...
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Val d'Orcia in Spring
Val d'Orcia in Spring
by Adalberto Tiburzi
Lumière / Matière / Géométrie / Textures etc...
Lumière / Matière / Géométrie / Textures etc...
by Adalberto Tiburzi