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Hello: everyone - this is joel davis with the united medical transportation providers group. Let me start by congratulating you. The reason why you're watching this video is you're invested in Carlos's resource about how to build your own equipment around business. So I congratulate you not only on investing that resource but being creative thinking outside the box and ways to diversify your business and develop new sources of revenue. For those of you that don't know Carlos, if you're not familiar the story, let me give you a quick crash course. He was with UPS for 20 years from I understand you were pretty much getting burned out on both sides of the candle, and you found my ebook how to build a million dollar medical transportation company online. This was the very first ebook that I wrote and this what you really use this. This helped propel everything you've been doing now, absolutely, and not that I just look for an income I had to find the income opportunity. It will replace what I was already making and then some so this right here, just looking on your website and putting some numbers together, I realized this. This was probably the best opportunity for me not only because of the money per se, but based on what it. What it was about, it was about delivering and transport, and I was already into that field been in that field for 20 years, and I just kind of fell right into this. So since then, so you started your transportation. Your medical transportation, business in 2006 wasn't 2006. Okay, so what was a couple years afterwards, then you expanded into the courier business. Then I went into the courier service because I I realize I had a lot of downtime after some of my transports and now, instead of having a vehicle just sitting and not the money, I wanted to find another way that I could you know, put something else In here, so I just took a little bit of what I knew from yes, yeah and I you know, I watch the delivery services delivering stuff like pharmaceuticals and lab work and everything. So I looked into it and get got some of that going for myself as well. So you had your career business for for a couple years and then for those of you that don't know Carlos is also author of how to start your own successful career and small package delivery service. This era I've been off is only offered eBook format only, even though we print up a copy for this video, but if you haven't yet invest in this resource, definitely go to WWE our service comm. It'S offered ebay, eBook format, only so go ahead and download it right. You know your convenience whenever you're, ready, very popular you've got a lot of response and feedback from people all over the country emailing and calling you up talking about this one, absolutely man. I got several emails, several phone calls up just and I congratulate them and really appreciate you know what they have Colin told me the response that they have from getting their business started. You know, as with the non-emergency, you do have some red tape. A regulation with the curva service is not. You know that the regulation isn't as speak as this you know, and so so they brought the profit margins higher on the medical transportation. But in terms of getting start, the career was more convenient, it is more convenient and you know, although the profit margin may be greater on this, this deal provides strings of income absolutely so, let's start bringing all this together in terms of how it influences the the Equipment, rental, business. Let me then we tell everybody. I personally have not owned my own with rental business, so this is where Carlos gets a big Bama back for definitely being creative, looking at realizing an opportunity season the day and going ahead and making it prosper. But you talked about how the courier and the medical transportation helps you, because it's literally a mode of delivery. That'S how you deliver the equipment to the customer. Absolutely so you generate revenue knowing from the vehicle equipment or the equipment. Reynolds, I'm sorry, but also from the progression of liver to delivery, is either I deliver it when they come and pick it up so and I you know we are, we have had a doing pretty well with that as well. So let me let us back up to the very beginning: how did you actually come up with the idea? How did you fall into the equipment right well attended the MDT seminar last year. Read Full Article was the of the boot camp. Okay - and you know we were talking about diversifying and and things that we could do, and then I read an email that you sent us once upon a time that somebody said you can only go, but so far with the non-emergency business. There'S there's some limit to this and you can't do anything else, so I baked the different okay, but at the time you already had the courier business you're, the medical transportation or courier yeah, absolutely, and so after attending the the mvto boot camp. This is like a light just came on. I knew I had in the non-emergency business. We use manual wheelchairs to transport, big hospital discharge right, okay, um, but I started getting phone calls asking do I rank wheelchairs? I thought it was absurd and I was like no. I don't, but after I got another phone call from a different individual and coming to the boot camp, yeah like just came on so I figured if I could just rent. If I rented wheelchairs, then what else do they need? So what happened with your tumbler story about how you bought you got a good deal on a vehicle yeah and it came with two power chairs power, husband, passed away, or something like that. Yeah guy wanted the one of the power chairs out of his way. So he said: listen if you purchase this van I'll, give you these wheelchairs, now user, there's two of them, two of them. Okay! They were free right challenge, if he's through him included with the price of the price of the vehicle and they were free. So what I did is I stored them in my house. I didn't know what I was going to do with them, but I held on to him for whatever reason yeah. So I get the vehicle I mean, I get the power chairs and, like I said after I attended the boot camp dinner, I put it into play. Not only was I'm going to ran out manual wheelchairs, I started running out power chairs and then I just started buying metal games, medical equipment. So let me ask you why, if you are, let's kind of fragment some of this and look at some different aspects, what made you go with used equipment versus what they're trying to buy the wall tile? Well, that's one thing: you talk about the e-book. You prefer going with the new and refurbished and recondition equipment yeah. Well, because, if you behind they use equipment and refurbishing the equipment, you know you buy and load and then you're able to you're able to flexion with your price a little bit. You know with your. I mean you make it beneficial for your reps, so you basically just so instead of going to the new paying top-dollar and have an equipment depreciate, you already want to depreciate litterers, here's the view most most people that rent stuff, like did like a lunch or something Like that, it's usually right after surgery or something so they don't need it for a long period of time, people over and if you ever priced a new wheelchair they're running like three four hundred dollars. Okay, well, my news: what about the price like the power wheelchairs? The power wheelchairs, if you've ever priced, one of them, they're three to five thousand dollars which Medicare was covering, but there at some point time is going to confront. So it would be. It was it's advantageous for them and myself to rent out refurbished and used. So your initial overhead expenses cheaper - if you start with the used equipment right absolutely and then the goal you're saying, is most of these people. If they come on hospital for a surgery, they don't need to invest in it for long terms, the majority, the time they're going in the equipment temporarily yeah you know for six weeks - tops look at for six weeks so and by me using my cursors. I deliver it to him, set it up for me and I go back and pick it up so before we go into the delivery, I'm worried. Where are you getting the used equipment from BAM? Craigslist is one of the best places to shop for stuff, really yeah correct. So where you going to crying some sport type bugger you looking for keywords. What sections do you go to um? Well, it's a section called health and beauty. The boy I just type in what I'm looking for, like the harlot, wanted section on the one in section which is over to the left you just type in and just put in keywords what you're looking for wheelchair and hospital beds whatever and it usually brings up You know those items for sale now you have to be good at what you do. You have to go in and shop bargain shop. Don'T you might see one on there for 500, but if you keep looking messy 100 for 200, so how often do you see one for 500? You contact the buyer. You are very seldom man very sell, either you're stuck on the price or well yeah. Some of them are stuck on the price but see there are other there there's more than one ad in there. So I'm always going to I'm gon na look at the lowest one, but I also have to check it out and see what the quality is and if it's beat up or anything like that. But usually I will, and now, if I can't find anything else that well I will go with the 500, but I'll try to negotiate it down good and most people just wanted out enter. Wait there take it. So, are you getting everything local on crisis, because card was Craigslist is predominantly for a local service? What about are you trying to get anything on? You know, honestly, you said, get some stuff shipped from Texas before yeah Texas. I'Ve even had to drive 100 miles something because it was worth it and what I mean by that is you know there are some equipment that you know you don't want to just run out, just anything that you can go from. You know the local Harbor pharmacy or something like that, like their cane or whatever, but the equipment that I purposely would rent would be the high dollar equipment that, if you purchase it, it would be very hot for you to purchase like, I hope, the order. Let'S get you started with the power chairs and the manual chairs that since then, what type of equipment, if you expanded it, I purchased several hospital beds, semi, electric and fully electric I purchased electric or you live or patient, live for somebody that they can't get out Of the bed and you have to use a lift and pick them up - I purchased Jerry chairs, I purchased scooter driver scooters so how they come into town and they make this need a scooter for a day. So give us an example of some of the type of deals that you're getting okay, I give you a prime example: I purchased the Hoyer lift on Craigslist. It was a and this is, it was just happen to be my look, but I did find one. I found out where you lived and it was a person to $ 400. The only thing was wrong with it was the batteries we did lawyer lives in new ones, like at least you know feelings. I want to grab yeah if 1500 to 2000 dollars. Well, I bought one $ 400 and I replaced the battery for $ 40.00 and now you know one round, it's painful, so the coil of does live into your priceless that electrical coil su you recondition the harder left. You have 400 bucks, put a new battery in 42 Santa classic, and I was looking at your priceless before we for this video. I mean you read that thing out at almost what there's almost three dollars a month. Absolutely one rental pay for it and everything else is profit.

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