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The best characteristic about the sigma male is that he is cool and calculated.
A Sigma Male is a disassociated member of society who believes that personal character can be cultivated independent of social norms. He has no desire for what society deems success because he knows that success in one area does not guarantee success in all areas, or even that it guarantees better odds at being successful overall. This makes him impervious to the marketing tactics used by marketers to sell their products, which are designed to appeal to an individual's ego, insecurity, or sense of inadequacy in order to get them to buy things they do not need.
What makes a sigma male so different from the others is the fact that he would rather have a good conversation with friends over a nice dinner than be out in the clubs and bars hoping to pick up chicks (and hoping that he doesn't get stabbed).
He has no desire for material things because he knows that they do not impress anyone; in fact, when it comes to women, he knows that girls love bad boys. He realizes that art and cultural experiences make an individual far more interesting and unique than driving a luxury car or wearing designer labels.
He's not a player because he doesn't need to be. He doesn't view relationships as a competition of one-upmanship and is comfortable with the fact that some aspects of himself will never please everyone and they don't have to please everyone. If he is single, it doesn't bother him and if he has a girlfriend, she is more than happy with him because he is able to recognize her value as an individual, whereas most males try desperately to keep their girlfriends dependent on them due to the fact that they find it harder to compete against their own girlfriend than they do against other males who are essentially strangers. This makes for a far healthier relationship than many of the relationships you might see between two insecure males or females.
He can be a leader, he can be a follower, or he can try to be the best of both worlds. He does not force his opinions on others and if he is asked about them, he will take a thoughtful approach that reflects his own personal experiences and ideas.
He is not obsessed with being cool or coolness in general? he isn't afraid to take risks because he knows that taking risks does not guarantee failure. He's smart, but not so much that it gets in the way of him being able to talk to people about what interests them.
He does not view women as objects, he has not had his heartbroken, and he does not believe that women are out to torment him by doing things they couldn't do otherwise. He is the type of person who can be friends with many people but can most easily relate with most people of his own gender.
The Sigma Male is most often seen in the West, partially because it makes for a better society where people are less prone to getting married or involved in relationships at all. People are also less likely to try too hard to be cool or make mistakes which might cause them to lose something important in their lives because they would only have one life left to live anyway.
He is not obsessed with money, fame, or power because he knows that they do not define who he is; in fact, if you ask him why he has these things, he will likely say that it is because he wanted them. He knows what makes him happy and does everything in his power to maintain it.
He won't sell you anything no matter how much you beg or plead with him to take your money.
The best part about being a Sigma Male is the fact that the behaviors which are often deemed socially unacceptable are actually completely acceptable if modified by a complete rejection of society's rules.�
The best characteristic about the Sigma Male is that he walks to the beat of his own drum and isn't afraid to show it.
He does what he wants, when he wants, and who he wants, and does not feel conflicted by these things because they are his own decisions to make. He might seem like a bad boy, but he's just a boy who knows what he wants and doesn't waste time trying to conform to others' expectations.
He has the courage of his convictions and will never apologize for them or compromise them. He understands that being in an uncomfortable situation will only cause him pain in the long run if it forces him into taking actions that are not in line with his core values.
He knows that his self-worth is not determined by a person's attractiveness.�
sigma male symbol
He doesn't care what people think of him because he knows that the only opinion which matters is his own.
He's a man who has accepted his own flaws and accepts those of others as well. He recognizes that perfection is something that does not exist in the real world and not pursuing perfection makes him more content with his existence than those who strive for it despite the fact that they will never obtain it.
Sigma males are not lonely.
The world is a better place when they are in it.
In Conclusion:
The reason why most people avoid being a Sigma male is that these men don't pander to the insecurities of others and this makes many of them seem "abnormal" to our socialized minds. In fact, the only abnormality around them is the fact that they are surrounded by insecure men and women who can't bear to see anyone else's opinions (or their own) differ from theirs.

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