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Article writer-Neergaard Hassan

A large number of people feel self-conscious about their teeth. Teeth are a relatively small part of the self, yet they play a huge role in determining self esteem. If you are unhappy with the look of your teeth, it can negatively affect your self-esteem. Keep reading for a knockout post on dental care and eliminate this worry.

Most people know that fast food hamburgers aren't good for you, but did you know they can affect your teeth? The hamburger bun contains sugars, which can increase the risk of cavities, and most fast food burgers contain ketchup, which also has a lot of added sugar. Keep fast food consumption to a minimum and brush your teeth right after eating a hamburger.

Eat as many citrus fruits as possible to keep your teeth healthy. Vitamin C helps your teeth stay strong, so you are less likely to have tooth decay if you eat plenty of oranges, lemons limes and other citrus fruits each day. However, sucking periodontitis treatment or lemons can put your teeth in contact with acid that contributes to decay.

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Brush your teeth both in the morning and in the evening. Take your time. Many people simply go through the motions quickly and don't do an efficient job. Try timing yourself to make sure that you get your teeth very clean. If you have to, sing the ABC song in your head, and don't stop brushing until the song is over.

If you are diagnosed with advanced gum disease, it's time to step up your hygiene routine. At this point, flossing once, twice or even three times daily is no longer sufficient to stimulate healing. Make an appointment with a periodontist, who can prescribe a medicated mouthwash, toothpaste or prescription antibiotic. In the meantime, continue brushing and flossing frequently to keep things from becoming worse.

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If you know you won't be able to brush your teeth after a meal, try and eat foods that can act as temporary substitutes. Things like apples and celery are good for you and will act as gentle abrasion tools as you chew, cleaning the surfaces and even reaching between teeth to remove particles of food.

Don't assume that just because oranges and orange juice are touted as healthy for your body that they are healthy for your mouth. The acidic nature of this and related foods start wearing down on your enamel immediately. You can have them, but brush immediately after consuming anything involving heavy concentrations of oranges.

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When you struggle with your breath, consider avoiding eating garlic and onions. If you can't cut them from your diet, brushing your teeth and tongue after meals can help. Also use mouthwash and even gargle with it to clean out all the remnants left over from your meal, keeping your breath fresh.

If you are thinking about getting a tongue or a lip piercing, you should know that this trend could have devastating effects on your teeth and gums. A metal piercing could crack a tooth badly and having a piercing rub on your gums constantly will cause them to become inflamed.

Brush your tongue. Your tongue needs attention just like your teeth and gums do. Use your toothbrush and brush your tongue just like you brush your teeth. Not only is this good for your dental health, but it can help with any bad breath you may be experiencing, too.

If you cannot afford dental work, you should ask your dentist if you can pay in several installments. The offices often have installment plans or connections to financing. This will make your dental work affordable, and cut the risk of complications due to waiting for treatment.

If learn the facts here now bleed easily, don't just put up with it--see your dentist right away! Bloody, sensitive gums can be an indication of a gum infection that requires antibiotics. Infections can spread to the teeth or to other parts of the body, so you want to get them taken care of as soon as possible.

Flossing regularly is just as important as daily brushing. Get the floss and hold it tightly with your hands, or you can get a flossing tool to use. Scrape down and up your teeth on their sides to get all of the plaque and food out of them.

There are many drinks that can stain your teeth. To help keep your teeth looking sparkling white, avoid drinking coffee, tea and wine. You can occasionally enjoy these drinks; however, always enjoy a glass of water afterwards. If you can, swish some water around your mouth and spit it out to help remove any stains.

Give your child an electric toothbrush with their favorite cartoon character, and they will be eager to brush their teeth. The electric brush's movement will ensure that your child's teeth get properly cleaned.

The amount of time that you spend brushing your teeth is important. If you don't brush them long enough, you can't remove all of the plaque. But if you brush them for too long, you can injure your gums or even remove enamel from your teeth and cause permanent damage.

Do not wait too long if your teeth are painful or if you notice signs of inflammation. These problems are much simpler to remedy when they are seen right away by a dentist. If you procrastinate, the problem will become more severe.

Smoking not only causes discoloration of the teeth, it can create serious dental problems. People who smoke have an increased risk of gingivitis and oral cancer. Receding gums can leave the root of your teeth exposed, increase dental sensitivity and promote tooth decay. Smoking also inhibits healing after oral surgery.

Take some time to brush your choppers. Brushing teeth fast and furiously can be tempting in a busy world, but should be avoided. You will not get the best results this way. Relax yourself and brush them thoroughly. You should spend at least 2 to 3 minutes each time for best results.

To keep your child from sucking his thumb after the normal time to stop, you can coat the thumb in a mixture of spices. When he puts his thumb into his mouth, the unpleasant flavor tells him that sucking his thumb is not going to bring a good sensation. This training should break him of the habit.

While you probably thought you were practicing good oral hygiene before, you can always improve at it. You can always find new ways to help promote healthy dental care. Begin now by using the pointers in this article.

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