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Champions were the focus of the Oct. 21 Teamfight Tactics PBE update, balancing a total of 14 in addition to bug fixes and Hextech Augment adjustments.

Giant PBE updates to TFT Set Six continue to roll in on a daily basis, with game design director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer reminding players that the large patches aren’t a “surprise” due to how “ambitious” Gizmos and Gadgets is. Challenger trait champions were hit with a few minor adjustments today, while Dr. Mundo got a nerf and Viktor was reworked. Dragon’s Claw was adjusted due to abuse from Warwick and a few Hextech Augments were changed.

From a Kog’Maw attack damage and speed nerf to a Heimerdinger buff, here are the balance changes within the TFT Set Six Oct. 21 PBE patch notes.

Set Six PBE champion changes
A total of 14 TFT Set Six champions received 메이저놀이터추천
balance changes in the Oct. 21 PBE update.

Caitlyn: Spell damage buffed from 800/1120/2000 to 800/1400/2250
Blitzcrank: Spell damage buffed from 1120/250/999 to 150/300/1337
Kog’Maw: Attack damage reduced from 50 to 45
Kog’Maw: Spell attack speed reduced from 80 to 70 percent
Quinn: Spell disarm was changed from primary target only to all targets damaged by her spell
Gangplank: Spell attack damage percent was buffed from 170/180/200 to 180/190/210 percent
Heimerdinger: Spell damage was buffed from 60/80/110 to 65/90/120
Lissandra: Spell damage was nerfed from 250/400/700 to 250/375/600
Taric: Spell heal was buffed from 250/350/700 to 275/400/800
Zac: Spell damage was nerfed at two-star from 450/600/999 to 400/525/999
Dr. Mundo: Spell healing was nerfed from 100/150/500 to 90/120/500 percent
Fiora: Spell damage reduced at two-star from 75/125/400 to 75/100/400
Orianna: Attack speed reduced from 0.8 to 0.75
Orianna: Spell shield reduced from 175/375/750 to 175/325/750
Viktor: Spell no longer reduces armor by 50 percent
Viktor: Basic attacks reduce a target’s armor by 70 percent for six seconds
Viktor: Spell damage per laser increased from 250/350/1500 to 275/375/1500
Other PBE balance changes
Dragon’s Claw was adjusted so that Fireball only triggers against casted abilities and only once per Kog’Maw cast. The Innovator tool-tip was changed to show that a mechanical companion does receive health and attack damage based on allied Innovator units’ star levels. And a handful of Hextech Augments were adjusted, which includes the addition of Innovator Heart and Soul as options.

Chemtech Overload: HP percentage from explosion damage nerfed from 50/75/100 to 40/60/80 percent
En Garde: Disarm duration was reduced from four to three seconds
Wise Spending: Moved from tier one to two, with XP increasing from one to two
Innovator Heart and Soul added as Hextech Augment effects
Set Six PBE bug fixes
Hyper Roll will no longer crash on Dragon rounds and Knife’s Edge was fixed to work on away boards. Tahm Kench will no longer gain extra items from eating a unit with Thieves Gloves. Scrap units won’t lose the buff from Cybernetic Implants anymore.

Woodland Charm clones that spawn into a Socialite spotlight Hex will gain the proper buffs and Jhin’s spell will no longer trigger Dragon’s Claw. Critical strikes from Jhin’s spell will also no longer benefit twice from critical strike damage.

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