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Term paper thesis

A term paper thesis is a sentence or group of sentences that clearly states the main point. Term paper theses will often be more complex than theses for essays or other writing assignments because term papers are long texts that investigate topics in an in-depth way—often from multiple angles and perspectives. You can receive help from an essay writing service, if needed.

Because of the length of an academic article, term paper theses will sometimes be presented several paragraphs or pages into the project itself, prefaced by a lengthy introduction. This introduction will often serve to prepare the reader for the thesis by providing information regarding the topic. This information is often explanation or contextualization so that the reader is certain of the topic of the report before the writer presents the thesis statement—the point the writer is making about the topic. For example, a scholarship essay.

Term paper topic

Term paper topics will vary greatly. Therefore, term paper theses will vary greatly. However, no matter the topic of the report, the report thesis should relate directly to the subject of the class for which the article is submitted. The thesis is the main point of the report; therefore, the document should always suggest how the topic fits in to the larger context of the field of study for which it is written. For instance, it is possible to write a global warming term paper for multiple classes, so long as the particular issue of global warming that the report addresses relates to the class for which it is written. A global warming term paper for a biology class may discuss how global warming affects plant and animal life, while a global warming term paper for a sociology class may discuss people's reactions to and beliefs in global warming. The thesis statements for each of these reports should make a clear connection to the larger fields of study and audiences for which they are intended. For instance, the report for the biology class may assert that "Climate change is disturbing the balance of certain ecosystems, which is in turn resulting in the destruction of those ecosystems, which in turn contributes to global warming." It is clear in this thesis that the topic of global warming will be discussed in context of biology.

A term paper thesis should be asserted rather than simply stated. This means that it should be written in strong language and presented in the active voice. The thesis should also typically avoid the inclusion of first-person pronouns. The thesis should not say "I think that global warming causes international climate change" or "It is my opinion that climate change is inadvertently responsible for the destruction of forested regions." Rather, simply present the thought or opinion as it stands: "Global warming causes international climate change" or "Climate change is inadvertently responsible for the destruction of forested regions." Asserting these statements rather than qualifying them as the writer's opinions makes them stronger.

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