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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds in flight > Smient - Eurasian wigeon - Anas penelope
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Smient - Eurasian wigeon - Anas penelope

the Netherlands, Kockengen

Nikon D70
1/2000s f/5.6 at 500.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
MarcViskens18-Jan-2016 15:22
kijk hoe mooi
geweldig Ton
Ming-Ming Wigeon 21-Dec-2011 10:14
Zwei Wonder Pets und eine Ente
Rettet die Pfeifente
Lieve Snellings16-Apr-2010 23:11
de laatste zingt lustig een liedje... v
Guest 20-Aug-2006 19:18
Great shot.
Guest 21-May-2006 05:52
Very, very beautiful! Excellent composition of three very lovely birds.
Guest 13-Mar-2006 18:11
Nicer fleet...
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