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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Landscapes > Crater Lake
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Crater Lake

Crater Lake, USA

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Jean-Claude Billonneau30-Sep-2023 12:17
Très belle photo de ce splendide paysage. V
Pierre20-Mar-2020 15:09
Une photo formidable de ce site exceptionnel! V
Hank Vander Velde19-Mar-2020 17:23
A beautiful winter scene well captured Rob.
Walter Otto Koenig19-Mar-2020 13:07
Beautiful view in this wide angle shot. "V"
Pierre Martin19-Mar-2020 12:11
superb picture and pov, beautiful landscape!
Helen Betts19-Mar-2020 12:03
Great shot of this beautiful lake. I haven't been there since I was a child, but I recognized it immediately from the thumbnail. V.
Missed Opportunities19-Mar-2020 10:31
A place I've yet to visit; you 'nailed' it V
Tom LeRoy19-Mar-2020 09:37
A wonderful shot of this beautiful lake. V
Hennie & Lies Lammers19-Mar-2020 07:20
Prachtig dat uitzicht over die krater
joseantonio19-Mar-2020 06:17
what a great view with amazing colors.V.
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