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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds of the world >> Ducks >> Smient - Eurasian wigeon - Anas penelope > Smient - Eurasian wigeon - Anas penelope
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Smient - Eurasian wigeon - Anas penelope

The Netherlands, Kockengen

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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robertoparmiggiani25-Mar-2012 11:39
Great shot v
Pierre24-Mar-2012 11:19
Un portrait sensationnel et de superbes détails! V
Sonja Ross24-Mar-2012 06:39
A lovely-looking duck, very nicely taken.
Guest 24-Mar-2012 06:00
Very beautiful duck, Ton! Lovely shot.
lou_rozensteins23-Mar-2012 23:52
Excellent details of this beautiful bird.
Jean Chiasson23-Mar-2012 23:28
Fabulous details Ton big vote
Patricia Kay23-Mar-2012 22:56
Excellent capture Ton...Wonderful details and colors...BV
Maja Waiss23-Mar-2012 21:18
Great! V
Guest 23-Mar-2012 19:23
Mooi portret van deze fotogenieke eend.
Hennie & Lies Lammers23-Mar-2012 18:10
Mooi werk Ton.V Ik hoop er ook eens een goede foto van te maken.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet23-Mar-2012 16:47
Magnificent picture.
Aivar Mikko23-Mar-2012 16:43
Nice colors and well exposed!
Tom LeRoy23-Mar-2012 14:45
Yes, agree with Tom, this is so nice, perfect shot. V.
Marjan Schavemaker23-Mar-2012 14:44
Mooiiii, Ton! V
Simon Chandler23-Mar-2012 14:40
So cute. Lovely bokeh. Excellent capture. Love it. v
jychamberland23-Mar-2012 14:25
very nice shot and details Ton!
Stephanie23-Mar-2012 13:46
Beautiful details; pretty duck! V
Tom Munson23-Mar-2012 13:32
Great shot of this beautiful duck, Ton! Tack sharp and perfectly exposed.
Randy Adams23-Mar-2012 11:04
Excellent capture Ton...looks like you were down in the grass with him! V
Milan Vogrin23-Mar-2012 10:02
Great image!V!
Irena Jurecic23-Mar-2012 09:45
Beautiful light, sharpness and dof. How cute is this bird. V
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