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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds of the world >> Ducks >> Smient - Eurasian wigeon - Anas penelope > Smient - Eurasian wigeon - Anas penelope
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Smient - Eurasian wigeon - Anas penelope

Kockengen, The Netherlands

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 01-Feb-2012 22:29
Heel fraaie opname,mooi gedaan met de scherpte diepte.
robertoparmiggiani23-Jan-2012 09:41
Superb V
Pierre20-Jan-2012 22:49
Une très belle composition, les détails sont fantastiques! V
January Grey20-Jan-2012 05:57
Terrific capture, Ton! Pretty birds and wonderful composition! V~
Peter Stahl20-Jan-2012 02:40
Beautiful!! Love the clarity and dof. :-))
Yi Feng20-Jan-2012 00:14
Outstanding clarity!
Simon Chandler19-Jan-2012 22:50
Excellent capture. Fantastic juxtaposition of subjects. v
Sonja Ross19-Jan-2012 22:48
They're a handsome duck.
lou_rozensteins19-Jan-2012 22:38
Beautiful shot. Well done.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet19-Jan-2012 21:09
Wonderful picture.
Lennart Waara19-Jan-2012 19:41
Excellent sharp photo of the duck!
Claude Gagnon19-Jan-2012 18:29
Very nice shot! In Quebec, we see this duck only very rarely :))
Guest 19-Jan-2012 17:16
Very nice composition and colors, well done.
Aivar Mikko19-Jan-2012 17:00
Nice shot, excellent colors!
Hennie & Lies Lammers19-Jan-2012 16:07
Mooie scherpe foto Ton. Knap gedaan want zijn niet goed te benaderen. V
jychamberland19-Jan-2012 15:25
beautiful capture well done Ton!
Milan Vogrin19-Jan-2012 14:59
Great compo and dof. V!
Tom Munson19-Jan-2012 14:46
Just perfect, Ton! Great shot!
Guest 19-Jan-2012 14:36
Fabulous, the crisp and the blur -- colors and details extraordinary
Yaki Zander.19-Jan-2012 14:22
Beautiful shot! V
Stephanie19-Jan-2012 13:39
Beautiful details and dof Tom! Such pretty wigeons! V
Hank Vander Velde19-Jan-2012 13:29
Beautiful shot of these nice wigeons Ton. I like your DOF here.
Randy Adams19-Jan-2012 12:04
Beautiful composition Ton! V
Guest 19-Jan-2012 11:05
Lekker dubbelportret
Christophe Pampoulie19-Jan-2012 11:00
Magnificent composition and sharpness! V.
Vickie BROWN19-Jan-2012 10:12
Superb portrait of these two beauties, a bright image Ton! BV
Guest 19-Jan-2012 09:50
heel mooi en een schatje , de geblurde ook .
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