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cafe18-May-2015 09:44
These are beautiful pics! I can't wait to see more ... thank you for sharing with me
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:50
De superbes photos, que dire d'autre ?
Guest 24-Dec-2011 22:23
havent see you in a long time. Hope everything is ok. Steve, Jellysdiscs
Kathi Seward 17-Mar-2010 10:56
It was a pleasure to visit your gallery and take in all of your art pieces. You are an exceptional talent and I believe that anyone who buys your art now is investing in an artist who someday will be well known recognized artist. Best wishes to you and your family.
Rafael Nieves 26-Mar-2008 21:47

You seem to be a very interesting person. I loved your clogs. We hope that in our next trip to Glasgow we will be able to stop in Holland.

There is so much to do but everything cost so much money.

I Plan to visit with you and your paintings. I would really like more exposure to your art.


Amy 28-Nov-2006 16:29
Looking for information and found it at this great site...
Betsy 12-Sep-2006 00:56

I viewed some of your artwork. I noticed that brown/black hair was not a color that you used often. I felt that the portrait #231404 (Sisters with a different point of view) had simularites in my own life! My sister is a total opposite of me. Thank you for sharing your art with me. My husband is an artist too! My father was a house painter. When I decide to get that tattoo, I will have more to think about as far as designing my own art.
Betsy Donnelly,(Pharma Care Pharmacy)
Mark McManus 25-Dec-2005 21:07
Many thanks for the phone call on Christmas. Thanks too for the new website. It looks GREAT!!!
Shawn and Valerie Winsor 29-Nov-2005 22:39
Valerie and I took some time this evening looking at your work. There is truly some wonderful pieces here. Another treasure in Lancaster found!
The emotions and colors are truly amazing. Please let us know when your next show is.

Shawn and Valeie Winsor
michelle cormier 28-Oct-2005 19:15
love the etchings and the color
geranimom22-Jul-2005 22:44
Hey, don't say nobody's signed your guestbook! I'm here. Consider it signed. :)