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15-Dec-2021 T.A.LeRoy

Trier, Germany

Baroque Stucco Work in the vault of the west choir of the Cathedral Saint Peter

The cathedral is not only Germany’s oldest church but also, in its 1700 years of history, the oldest structure in Germany
which has served uninterruptedly its original purpose as bishop’s church. All phases of European construction, art, and religious history can be traced
from its oldest structural core, the Roman “square” from the 4th century, to the present 21st century. Source: Web Page Trier Dom

Canon EOS RP ,Canon RF 24-105mm F4-7.1 IS STM
1/80s f/5.6 at 40.0mm iso8000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Aivar Mikko29-Jan-2022 08:13
Beautiful artwork, well taken!
Allan Jay08-Jan-2022 17:26
Wonderful symmetry and details!
Nestor Derkach07-Jan-2022 16:05
Excellent overhead shot of the pristine dome in excellent condition for its age.
Nice pin sharp photograph,
Jean Chiasson07-Jan-2022 15:37
Beautiful image details Tom V
Gill Kopy07-Jan-2022 03:11
Wow - it is SO beautiful and SO old - a fabulous shot Tom V
Raymond Ma07-Jan-2022 00:55
A jaw dropping piece of art work...the details and the artistry to create this is amazing. You image of it is also stellar with wonderful details! v
Colin Storey06-Jan-2022 19:25
Fantastic detailed image of this impressive dome.
Jeff Real06-Jan-2022 17:27
Absolutely magnificent!
I love these details and the blue is a beautiful part of this!
danad06-Jan-2022 16:03
What a fine ornemental work !
John Reynolds LRPS06-Jan-2022 16:02
Excellent capture of this interesting artwork. The church and its history sound fascinating. V.
Wintermeer06-Jan-2022 11:21
Stunning! ~V~
Philip P06-Jan-2022 09:50
A beautiful capture of a stunning work of art!
Pierre Martin06-Jan-2022 02:51
awesome work so beautiful, splendid picture!
laine06-Jan-2022 02:26
So lovely...wonderful detail you have there, Tom. V
Nirvan Hope06-Jan-2022 01:52
Incredibly detailed ornate artwork. Great work showing it.
Helen Betts05-Jan-2022 21:03
What spectacular artwork, perfectly captured. V.
Hank Vander Velde05-Jan-2022 20:56
An excellent sharp and well exposed shot of this fabulous dome-ceiling Tom.
globalgadabout05-Jan-2022 20:44
absolutely fabulous art work...your precision shot is a dazzler too...V
Nick Paoni05-Jan-2022 20:41
The amazing clarity and details you captured bring this frame to life.
Mairéad05-Jan-2022 19:59
It's a beautiful ceiling and you have certainly captured the details. V
Walter Otto Koenig05-Jan-2022 19:54
Amazing stucco work. Great detail and exposure in your image Tom. Very good high iso result. "V"
joseantonio05-Jan-2022 19:20
nice capture of this interesting stucco.V.
Apostolos Tikopoulos05-Jan-2022 19:10
Excellent details and colors in this beautiful interior. V
LynnH05-Jan-2022 19:05
Wow. Very good detail here, Tom. 3D. Nice!!! V
Neil Marcus05-Jan-2022 18:51
A fine detailed image and interesting commentary. "V"
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